Credential Eligibility Calculator

The Credential Eligibility Calculator is part of the Transcript Processor and is responsible for the following functions:

  • Assessing Student Credential Requirements based on updates to a student’s academic and/or demographic profile
  • Determine which credential type(s) to start assessing a student for based on the trigger credential requirement(s) the student has achieved
  • Determining when a student has achieved a credential requirement set
  • Resolving the difference between a student’s calculated and current state



Calculator Infrastructure

Credential, Credential Requirement Set and Credential Requirement Relationships

The following sections detail the relationship between a credential, credential requirement set, and credential requirements. The details and logic for each credential requirement is documented in the Credential Requirement Details section.

Credential Requirement Details

Each credential requirement is listed below. The details that have been included for each credential requirement are as follows:

  • Data details for the credential requirement
  • Logic for determining if the student has achieved a requirement and the associated Achievement Messages
  • Detail about whether the credential requirement can be manually set to achieved
  • Detail about whether the credential requirement exemptions if any exist

Credential Requirement Exemption Details

The following sections describe the credential requirement exemptions including:

  • Exemption details
  • Security for requesting an exemption (PASI core / PASIprep)
  • Security for approving an exemption (PASI core / PASIprep)

Exemption Not Effective

Database Column

  • The EffectiveDate and ExpiryDate columns specify the day on which an Exemption Reason should be effective or expire. School year does not need to be considered.
  • These allow null values:
    • If the EffectiveDate is null, the Exemption Reason is effective
    • If the EffectiveDate is in the past, the Exemption Reason is effective
    • If the EffectiveDate is in the future, the Exemption Reason is not effective
    • If the ExpiryDate is null, the Exemption Reason is effective
    • If the ExpiryDate is in the past, the Exemption Reason is not effective
    • If the ExpiryDate is in the future, the Exemption Reason is effective

Appendix A: Additional CSC Information

Last Enrolment Year

The ‘Last Enrolment Year ‘will be determined using the last school enrolment for a student that precedes the ‘Nomination Date’ 1). The ‘StudentNomination’ credential requirement must be manually set to ‘achieved’ by a PASIprep user before the ‘Last Enrolment Year’ can be determined. If the ‘StudentNomination’ credential requirement is not set to ‘achieved’ then the ‘Last Enrolment Year’ cannot be determined because PASI will not have a’ Nomination Date’ to use to locate the last school enrolment for the student. When a ‘Nomination Date’ exists the last school enrolment will be found using the following criteria:

  • Student Id = ASN for the student being nominated
  • School Id = school organization id for the User who submitted the nomination
  • Registration Start Date must be the latest date that is prior to the ‘Nomination Date’.
  • If there is more than one school enrolment returned the ‘Last Update Row Version’ will be used to break the tie:
    • The record that has the most recent last update row version will be used

Exception Code Short Description

Code TextCode Short Description
41Severe Cognitive Disability
43Severe Multiple Disability
44Severe Physical or Medical Disability
52Moderate Cognitive Disability

Appendix B: GED Exam Examples

GED Official Mark Calculation

The following diagram illustrates an example where a student started the GED exams in the old series and continues the exams in the new series. credeligcalc_oleobject6.vsd

The student started taking GED exams in the first series. The student did not carry on with the GED exams until the second series was introduced. In the above diagram the student has not completed the new series because they are missing Math. credeligcalc_oleobject7.vsd

In the above example the student completes the Math GED exam in the new series. In the case of Math, the student’s GED Official Mark is based on the new series Math GED course. The GED Official Mark calculation method has two rules for determining which exam mark to use as the Selected Mark:

  • Exam from newest series
  • Highest mark

In the above example the student’s Series 1 Math Official Mark resulted in a higher letter grade than the subsequent Series 2 Math Official Mark. The outcome is that an Official Mark is created based off the Series 2 Math exam mark. This has occurred because the GED calculation method first takes the marks from the newest series and then applies highest mark. By selecting the newest series first, in the GED Official Mark calculation, the Credential Eligibility Calculator will know when the student has moved on to the new series through their Official Marks and the Credential Eligibility Calculator does not need to look at individual GED Exam Marks.

GED Failed Subsequent Exam

The newest GED Exam Mark is used for the Official Mark even if it receives a failed mark value. credeligcalc_oleobject8.vsd

In the above example the student took and passed the Series 1 Math GED exam, i.e. 45 is a passing score in Series 1. The student subsequently took and failed Math in Series 2, i.e. 450 is a passing score in Series 2. Since the first rule, for selecting a single Exam Mark for a given GED course code, is to select the mark from the newest series all Series 1 Exam Marks are ignored when calculating the Official Mark for GED9985 because there exists a Series 2 Exam Mark regardless of the mark value.

GED Exam Taken In Alberta

If Official Marks are the only student records to be assessed, the Exam Taken In Alberta requirement may be missed.


In the above example the student was from BC and took all the exams in British Columbia (BC). The student would like to obtain a High School Equivalency Diploma from Alberta and is required to take at least one GED exam in Alberta. The exam GED9981 is rewritten and the student receives a lower score. The result is that their Official Mark for GED9981 does not change and still has a selected exam mark from BC. If the Credential Eligibility Calculator only considers Official Marks, then the passing Alberta GED exam mark would be missed. Therefore, the individual GED Exam Marks need to be considered for the Exam Taken In Alberta requirement instead of the GED Official Marks.

For the purpose of this document the ‘Nomination Date’ will be used to reference the ‘Last Update UTC Time’ for the ‘Student Nominated’ credential requirement. It is not an actual data element.