Physical Education (Alberta High School Diploma)

Credential Requirement Details

10 Level Physical Education - 3 CreditsThe student has been awarded 3 credits in Physical Education 10.

Credential Requirement Achievement Messages

Achievement CriteriaEnglish Achievement MessageFrench Achievement Message
Achieved (Not Mature)
The student has a 10 level Physical Education official mark with credit.
Check the Credential Requirement Course Mapping table for valid Physical Education course codes.
{Credits Awarded} credits awarded.{X} crédits attribués

Achieved (Mature Student – Credit Not Awarded)
The student:

  • Has privileges due to the granting of mature status1), and
  • The student does not have a CALM official mark with credit.

Students that meet the criteria are not required to achieve the PhysicalEducation-81155 requirement.

Student has been granted privileges of mature status.L’élève reçoit les privilèges des élèves adultes.
Achieved (Mature Student – Credit Awarded)
The student has a 10 level Physical Education official mark and are considered mature, see above.
{Credits Awarded} credits awarded.{X} crédits attribués
Not Achieved
The student does not have a 10 level Physical Education official mark with credit and the student is not a mature student.
No credits awarded for a relevant course.Aucun crédit pour cours pertinent attribué.

Credential Requirement Achievement Management

Only the system can set the achievement of this requirement.

PASI Core SecurityPASIprep SecurityIs System Updateable

Credential Requirement Exemption Management

See Mature Student Status for a full definition