Student Is Nominated (Certificate of School Completion)

This is a Credential Requirement implemented as code value StudentIsNominated-81350 (Credential Requirement). This Last Updated UTC for this requirement is used to determine the Last Enrolment Year.

Credential Requirement Details

Student Is NominatedThe student is nominated by the Principal or Assistant Principal of their school.

Credential Requirement Achievement Messages

Achievement CriteriaEnglish Achievement MessageFrench Achievement Message
The credential requirement is manually set to achieved and there is an enrolment for the student at the nominating organization.
Nominated by {OrganizationName} ({OrgCode}).Recommandée par {organizationName} ({organizationCode})
Not Achieved
The credential requirement has not been manually set to achieved.
Student has not been nominatedL’élève n’a pas reçu de nomination.

Credential Requirement Achievement Management

PASI Core SecurityPASIprep SecurityIs System Updateable
Submit Transcript User18A, 18B, 18CNo

Credential Requirement Exemption Management