This is a Credential Requirement implemented as code value CodedWithExceptions-81315 (Credential Requirement). This requirement uses the Last Enrolment Year which is determined by setting the Student Is Nominated requirement to Achieved.
Title | Description |
Coded With Exceptions | The student has been coded with one of the following exception codes: for the nomination school year. |
Achievement Criteria | English Achievement Message | French Achievement Message |
Achieved Student must be coded with at least one of the following exception codes for the nomination school:
| Student has been coded with exception codes {ExceptionCode} - {ExceptionCodeDescription}[, {ExceptionCode} - {ExceptionCodeDescription}[, …]] Note: All applicable exception codes that apply to the student should be included in the achievement message. | L’élève s’est fait attribuer le code d’exception {Exception Codes}. |
Not Achieved The student has not been nominated so the Last Enrolment Year cannot be determined to assess eligibility of this requirement. | Student must be nominated to assess eligibility for this requirement | Pour que l’admissibilité à cette exigence puisse être évaluée, l’élève doit avoir été recommandé |
Not Achieved No enrolment exists at the nominating school. | Student does not have a School Enrolment for {OrganizationName} ({OrgCode}) prior to the nomination date. | L’élève n’a pas été inscrit à l’école {OrganizationName} ({OrgCode}) avant la date de sa recommandation. |
Not Achieved Student is not coded with any of the required exception codes for the school year they are nominated for. | Student has not been coded with any applicable exception codes | L’élève ne s’est fait attribuer aucun code d’exception applicable |
Only the system can set the achievement of this requirement.
PASI Core Security | PASIprep Security | Is System Updateable |
N/A | N/A | N/A |
The credential requirement can be exempted for the following reasons: