PASI Core Rejections

This form of PASI Validation is performed by the PASI Core before any data is updated or returned based on a service request and can be categorized into:

  • Authentication and Authorization Validations
  • Structural Validations
  • Association Validations
  • Business Validations

If any of these validations fail, the request will be rejected. If the request was to 'Get' information from the PASI Core, no information will be provided. If the request was to 'Submit' information to the PASI Core, the information provided will not be recorded.

Structural Validations

These validations are performed against the structure of the request. When a request is submitted, PASI will check to ensure that it understands the request. This check includes a check to ensure that all mandatory values have been provided, that the values provided are of the right format, and that code values are valid. When this check fails, the request will be rejected (validation Rule 3001 - Request Doesn't Match Schema and Rule 3002 - Request Not Structured Correctly). This rejection will also indicate which structural check failed.

Business Validations

These validations are performed against known business rules for the data. These business rules check for data that appears to be invalid.

Examples of these checks include:

  • The Alberta Student Number provided does not appear to exist within PASI,
  • Expiry Dates being before Effective Dates, and
  • The data provided does not align with the established Data Guidelines and Standards.

When these checks fail, the request will be rejected. Each check will have its own error code and message outlining why the request was rejected.