Review Missed Triggers Report

The Review Missed Triggers Report is one of the PASI Nightly Reports and is responsible for highlighting status processing trigger records that have not been processed by the corresponding status processor. The report will only highlight status processing trigger records that are associated to active PASI records. If a record has been logically deleted the associated status processing trigger records will not be reported.

This report is produced everyday at 6:00 am and results in a report being generated and distributed via email.

Generated Email

Sent To
Subject PASI Monitor: Review Missed Triggers for YYYY-MM-DD [Contains Records / No Records]

This report is produced daily by PASI.Monitor running on {Server}.
Data Source={Connection String}

Email Attachment

Attached to the email is a Microsoft Excel file that contains a summary of the students that should be reviewed.

Trigger Name Identifies the type of trigger that was missed.
Trigger Count Identifies the number of triggers that were missed.

Change History

Updated in Release 9.22 via feature 13731 to remove reporting for deleted records.