Rule 40103 - Invalid Section Period - School Not Active

Rule Type Warning

Validated Data

This rule is used to validate the following data in a Section record:

To perform this validation, the following information is used:


The school associated to the section must be active for the entire duration of the Section (from the Section Start Date to the Section End Date) when Section Start Date and End Date are provided.

Effective Period

  • This validation rule is effective starting the 1978/1979 school year.

Additional Notes

Modified rule to have Effective School Year of 1979. All SADS effective dates are 1978-01-01 so if rule fires for marks in School Year prior to 1979 it will fail. See bug #688.


When this validation rule is triggered, the following message is returned:

Invalid Section Period. The School associated to the Section ({SchoolCode}) is not active for the duration of the Section (from {SectionStartDate} to {SectionEndDate}).

Applies To

Change History

  • Release 2.4 – Added/Updated