Rule 40315 - Duplicate Evaluated Mark

Rule Name Duplicate Evaluated Mark
Rule Type Warning

Validated Data


The submitted student ASN has more than one undeleted Evaluated Mark record for the same Course Code, same Evaluation Method, and same number of Credits.

The data used in this validation check is Course Code, Evaluation Method, Credits and Is Deleted flag = N and shall consider the logical student - all primary and secondary ASNs for the Student.

As of Release 8.10, this rule is removed


When this validation rule is triggered, the following message is returned:

Duplicate evaluated mark for student. The student has more than one evaluated mark for course {CourseCode: Course Description}, evaluation method {EvaluationMethodDescription}, and {Credits}credits.


  • {CourseCode: Course Description} means the course code and description for the evaluated mark record
  • {EvaluationMethodDescription} means the evaluation method for the evaluated mark record
  • {Credits} means the credits attempted for the evaluated mark record

Applies To

This rule applies to:

Change History

  • Release 8.10 - F 10217 - disabled rule
  • Release 6.1 – Updated
  • Release 3.10 – Added/Updated

Upcoming Changes