Rule 40340 - Cannot Update Historical Mark

Rule Name Cannot Update Historical Mark
Rule Type Rejection

Validated Data

This rule is used to validate the following :

To perform this validation, the following information is used:


The rule will fail when all of the following are true:

  1. User does not have PASI System User role
  2. The school year of the mark being submitted is “Historical” or unknown
  3. The evaluation method being submitted is one of the out-of-province methods.
  4. At least one of these are true
    1. The evaluated mark does not already exist in PASI
    2. The existing evaluation method is not an out-of-province method.

This rule ensures that an Integrated SIS cannot submit (add for the first time) a historical out-of-province/country evaluated mark. The rule will also fire when the SIS is attempting to update the evaluation method of a historical mark to out-of-province/country. The rule will not fire when the SIS is attempting to update a historical mark with an evaluation method of out-of-province/country if the change is unrelated to the school year (can't change anyway) and the evaluation method.

The Out-Of-Province course codes this rule checking for are:

This validation rule is in effect for all school years.

Additional Notes

Marks added with a future Evaluation Date will trigger Warning 40320.


When this validation rule is triggered, the following message is returned:

Cannot add or update historical mark. You must add or update this historical {Evaluation Method:CodeShortDescription} evaluated mark in PASIprep.


  • {Evaluation Method:CodeShortDescription} is the short description of the evaluation method code for the evaluated mark record

Marks added with a future Evaluation Date will trigger Warning 40320.

Applies To

This rule applies to:

Change History

  • Release 3.6 – Added/Updated
  • Release 6.09 (F2829) – Updated

Upcoming Changes