Rule 65053 - Waybill File And Document Submission Items Must Align

Rule Type Structure Check

Validated Data

This rule is used to validate:


The names of all documents listed on the waybill file must match the name of Document Submission Items that are included in the Document Submission.

This rule is not case sensitive when comparing the document items filename against name of the documents provided on the waybill file.

Additional Notes

This rule will also accommodate for situations where a virus is found in one or more Document Submission Items (and is then quarantined) which causes the imbalance between the files listed on the waybill and the files present in the zip file..

Note: if this rule fails, a submission record is created in the document submission table.


When this validation rule is triggered, the following message is returned:

Waybill File And Document Submission Items Must Align. The waybill lists document submission items that are not contained within the zip file or the zip file contains document submission items that are not listed on the waybill file.

Applies To

This rule applies to:

Change History

  • Release 6.06 (F5929) - Created

Upcoming Changes

The following changes are expected to be implemented in an upcoming release (or include the release # if known).

Describe the change.