Rule 70007 - Unsupported SessionDesignator

Rule Type Rejection

Validated Data

This rule is used to validate:

To perform this validation, the following information is used:


This validation will fail if Hold Type has been supplied and is not “Now” and no matching control schedule was found.

The following logic will be used to determine the date to use when looking for a matching control schedule:

  • If the HoldType is not “NOW” then the <SessionDesignator> from the PESC message will be converted into a date as the 1st day of the month and year of the <SessionDesignator>. For example, a <SessionDesignator> of “2013-11” would convert to a date of “2013-11-01”.

Once a date has been determined, the control schedule with a category of TranscriptReleaseDate (Schedule Category) based on the following logic will be considered the matching control schedule.

  • If the HoldType is not “AfterGradesPosted” then the control schedule with a category of TranscriptReleaseDate (Schedule Category) and the closest Actual Date that is not prior to the date being matched will be the matching control schedule.
  • If the HoldType is “AfterSpecifiedTerm” then the control schedule with a category of TranscriptReleaseDate (Schedule Category) and a matching exam period to the session designator will be the matching control schedule.

See the description in the functionality section of the Request Transcript service for full detail.

If no matching control schedule is found, then the rule will fail.

Additional Notes

This rule has the similar logic as rule 60309.


When this validation rule is triggered, the following message is returned:

Unsupported TranscriptHold. There is no scheduled transcript release that aligns with the provided SessionDesignator.

Applies To

This rule applies to:

Change History

  • Release 5.01 - Created
  • Release 6.00 - Updated
  • Release 6.04 - Updated by F5779
  • Release 6.09 - Updated by 6523

Upcoming Changes

The following changes are expected to be implemented in an upcoming release (or include the release # if known).

  • N/A