Send Diploma Exam Marks Pending Message

The Send Diploma Exam Marks Pending Message screen allows users to initiate a manual “Diploma Exam Marks Pending Message” and notification to be sent to the impacted students.

Sent when Assessment starts to send mark results to PASI (typically on the diploma exam mark release date).

Secured By

The Send is accessed by having PASIprep Level 43 Permission - PASIprep Send Message permissions.

Main Section

Data Fields

Field NameDescription
Exam Session Read only value. Displays the “Current” {Exam Period} {School Year}.
Where “Current” is determined by finding the Period and School Year of the operational control schedule with a Schedule Category of “Transcript Release Date” and future Actual Date that is closest to the current date.
Count of Student Messages Read only value. Displays a count of the student messages that will be sent out by the process. See the SEND action below for more detail.

SEND - Action Item

When selected, this action will attempt to generate and send the message for the appropriate recipients to the PAS system for delivery.

PASI will build a list of all the students who are:

  • Registered for a diploma exam in the identified Exam Period and School Year,
  • Are connected in myPass (self-connection), and

Check to see if the message has already been sent by verifying that PAS hasn’t already sent the message.

  • If not already sent, generate the appropriate message/notification (refer to section Message Template(s) -– New for message and notification content) for the appropriate students.
    • Send message, notification and list of education accounts message is to be delivered to, to PAS for delivery.
    • Return the user to page they came in from (as per the Navigation guidelines) with success message “Messages have been delivered for {Count of education accounts who were sent messages} students for {Message Type}.” displayed near the top of the screen.
  • If already sent, no message or notification is to be sent out and Rule 89000 - Duplicate Message Sent should fail and display an error message back to the user.
    • Error occurs in PAS resulting in the message(s) and/or notifications not being delivered.
    • Message was already sent and where the messages passed in have been rejected by PAS.

CANCEL - Action Item

When selected, this action will cancel the user out of this screen, returning them to the previous screen as per the Navigation guidelines.