Service Error Volumes Report

The Service Error Volumes Report is one of the PASI Nightly Reports and is responsible for summarizing the exceptions returned to integrated solutions when making service calls.

This report is produced everyday at 6:00 am and results in a report being generated and distributed via email.

Generated Email

Sent To
Subject PASI Monitor: Service Error Volumes for YYYY-MM-DD [Contains Records / No Records]

This report is produced daily by PASI.Monitor running on {Server}.
Data Source={Connection String}

Email Attachment

Attached to the email is a Microsoft Excel file that contains a summary of the errors that should be reviewed.

Authority Code Contains the Parent Organization of the PASI Client.
Calling Organization Code Contains the Organization submitted in the request.
Product Name Contains the name of the Software Product making the request.
Manufacturer Name Contains the name of the Company reponsible for the Software Product making the request.
Error Count Contains the number of times the error was returned to the PASI Client.
Service Name Contains the service end-point that was used by the PASI Client.
Service Operation Name Contains the Service called by the PASI Client.
Exception Code Contains the Code of the Exception returned to the PASI Client.
Exception Message Text Contains the specific text returned to the PASI Client.
First Trace Audit Log ID Identifies the first Trace Audit Log record containing this error.
First Received Utc Time Identifies the first time this error was returned to the PASI Client.
First Parameters Xml Contains the Parameters XML content from the first Trace Audit Log record in which this error was returned.
First Results Xml Contains the Results XML content from the first Trace Audit Log record in which this error was returned.
PASI Client ID Contains the Client ID associated to the certificate used to make the request.
PASI Client Description Contains the Client Description associated to the certificate used to make the request.