PASIprep Stepper
This is a UI Pattern for the PASIprep UI Guidelines.
Horizontal steppers are ideal when the contents of one step depend on an earlier step.
Display Guidelines
Should follow the look and feel as defined in
Material Guidelines for horizontal steppers (except the numbers should use GOA's secondary colour (green) instead of blue)
Steps naming should be consistent with the action the user is performing at that step. e.g. Search, Confirmation, Summary etc.
Each step of the stepper must be numbered correctly.
A completed step is reflected appropriately with a checkmark
Steps are not clickable; user must use the navigation buttons to move backwards/forwards.
Leaving the Page without Saving
When the user leaves the page without saving their changes, they will be prompted to confirm they wish to leave without saving. The standard web browser/javascript confirmation dialog used for unloading/reloading pages is used for this purpose.
Stepper Feedback
A transient feedback message can be displayed to the user between steps, e.g. “Search in progress”. This should be in the specified design.
The content should be disabled and a circular loading spinner should be displayed to allow user to see that the system is still processing their request.