Synchronization of Section Information involves using the following services:
All Sections associated to a SIS organization can be synchronized. PASI’s Section identifies schools offering of one or more high school courses in a Term within a School Year. It is comprised of data such as School Code, School Year, School Term, Section Description, Course Code(s), Credits Offered, Delivery Method, Effective/Delivery Dates, etc.
An organization’s PASI High School Course and Mark data is comprised of multiple Sections, Course Enrolments, and Evaluated Marks data. SIS users will require access to this PASI data to maintain a student’s high school courses and marks data.
A SIS must synchronize all related PASI Section, Course Enrolment, and Evaluated Mark data to a local copy of PASI data. Each must be persistently stored in the SIS local copy of PASI data and the entire PASI entity must be stored.
This synchronized copy of PASI data must be used by a SIS to identify differences between PASI and user maintained high school mark data in the SIS and take appropriate action to identify discrepancies to its users for resolution (update their SIS to match PASI or update PASI to match the SIS) or automatically apply this data to the SIS to resolve discrepancies between PASI and the SIS. Once PASI and SIS data are the same, the data discrepancy notification must be automatically removed so there is no question if PASI and SIS data is or is not in sync.
End result is SIS users must be able to view and update all PASI High School Course and Mark data from within their SIS and thus not be required to use PASIprep for High School Course Marks data updates.
As well the synchronized copy of PASI High School Mark data will eliminate the need for a SIS to repeatedly request the same PASI data when it has not changed. A SIS must not request PASI data entities that have not changed and for which PASI provides IsDataAvailable update notification services.
Note however Section, Section Status, Course Enrolment, Course Enrolment Status, Evaluated Mark, and Evaluated Mark Status data from school years prior to a School Authority’s implementation of a PASI Course Marks integrated SIS must not be synchronized or updated by a PASI integrated SIS. Update of this data must only be done using PASIprep thus a SIS that supports update of PASI Current-1/Current-2 Section, Course Enrolment, and Evaluated Mark data must phase this capability in over three years. This restriction is required to ensure there are no unintended impacts to prior school year course marks funding and/or students due to changed or missing course marks data.
Following is an example of phased in ability to update Current-1/Current-2 Section, Course Enrolment, and Evaluated Mark data for a School Authority that implements Course Marks integration in school year 2015. Note 2013 and 2014 Section, Course Enrolment, and Evaluated Mark data can never be updated by the SIS as it is prior to the school year the PASI Course Marks integrated SIS was implemented.
Section, Course Enrolment, and Evaluated Mark Data that Can Be Full Synchronized and Updated by a SIS Implemented in School Year 2015 | ||||||||||
2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | ||
Current School Year | 2015 | No | No | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | No | No |
2016 | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | No | |
2017 | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | |
2018 | No | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | |
2019 | No | No | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | |
2020 | No | No | No | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
A SIS must NOT implement High School Course Marks ‘initial’ synchronization logic using business key data matching to link SIS and PASI High School course marks data.
Prior to implementation of High School Course Marks integration, a school authority must NOT have any Sections, Course Enrolments, or Evaluated Marks in the current and current+1 school years. If there are any Sections, Course Enrolments, or Evaluated Marks, in the current or current+1 school years, they must be deleted by the School Authority via PASIprep prior to High School Course Marks implementation. It is the responsibility of the school authority to ensure any High School course marks data deleted from PASI is correctly added back during implementation of High School Course Marks integration however to support such reconciliation functionality is required. This reconciliation process must compare PASIprep course enrolment and evaluated marks extract files created before School Authority deletion of current and current+1 school year course enrolments and same files created after the SIS initial push of SIS course enrolments and evaluated marks to PASI. The reconciliation procedure must identify:
PASI recommends High School Course Marks integration be implemented in the September - December timeframe as this is when there are likely to be very few if any current and current+1 school year High School Course Marks data in PASI for a school authority and thus reduced risk of unintended impacts to student high school course marks, final course marks, and/or student credentials. Vendors and school authorities who choose to implement High School Course Marks integration outside of the September - December timeframe, must ensure High School Course Marks integration synchronization to PASI sets student High School Course Marks accurately to ensure there are no impacts to student high school course marks, final course marks, and/or student credentials.
The source of truth for Section, Course Enrolment, or Evaluated Mark data is from the organization (school/authority) that created the Section, Course Enrolment, or Evaluated Mark thus from the owning organization’s SIS. There may be instances when an update to an organization’s Section, Course Enrolment, or Evaluated Mark does not originate from the owning organization SIS (i.e. changed in PASIprep).
The owning organization SIS must notify its users of the Section, Course Enrolment, and Evaluated Mark changes that originate from outside the SIS. The SIS must notify its users of the data discrepancy and provide users with the ability to either accept the PASI Section, Course Enrolment, or Evaluated Mark change into their SIS or reject the change and reset the PASI Section, Course Enrolment, or Evaluated Mark back to the owning SIS’s values. Once PASI and SIS data are the same, the data discrepancy notification must be automatically removed so there is no question if PASI and SIS data is or is not in sync.