Current Identity Name

Studetn's current identity (legal) name.

This attribute includes a reference to a Student Name record.

Business Object References

This attribute is used in the following business objects:

Validation Rule References

Functional References

User Interface Guidelines

Unless otherwise specified, this data element should adhere to the guidelines below.

Data Format Guidelines

When this data element is presented, it should be presented using the Full Name attribute of the referenced Student Name record.

Read Only Field

When this data element is displayed it should adhere to the following guidelines:

Field Name Legal Name
Null Values Blank
Hint Text None
Security Requirements This information is only available to users that meeting the data access rules to access the student information.

Editable Field

The Current Identity Name cannot be edited directly. It can only be updated via the Edit Student Identity Document screen.

Data Grid Column

When this data element is displayed in a PASIprep Data Grid it should adhere to the following guidelines:

Column Heading Legal Name
Column Width Auto
Filtering Style Text
Contains The Full Name attribute of the referenced Student Name.
Null Values Blank
Column Security Requirements This column is always available.
Data Security Requirements The data in the column is only visible if the user meets the data access rules to access the student information.