APAS Institution Refresher

This is a background process that runs nightly (on application restart) that ensures PASI has an accurate and current list of APAS Registered Institutions. PSI's in PASI are stored as Transcript Recipients. myPass uses this list to determine which institutions a student can order a transcript for electronic delivery.

The source information is retrieved from the ApasInstitutionService located here: https://applyalberta.ca/APAS.WebServices/InstitutionInformationAndCodesServices.asmx

The service is called with the following properties:

MaxResults 25000
Country “Canada”
InstitutionType “APASMEM”
IsTranscriptSubscriber “true”

Transcript Recipient

This process will maintain the active ApplyAlberta registered institutions in the Transcript Recipient table by ensuring that any active ApplyAlberta registered institution that is returned from APAS Core will have an entry in the this table with the following values:

Data ElementValue Assigned
Recipient Client Identifier (Transcript Recipient)The Client ID with that has both these roles: PESC Transcript User and APAS Client User.
Recipient Institution Identifier (Transcript Recipient)PSI identifier from APAS Core
Recipient Name (Transcript Recipient)PSI name from APAS Core
City Name (Transcript Recipient)PSI city name from APAS Core
Region (Transcript Recipient)PSI region from APAS Core
Country Name (Transcript Recipient)PSI country from APAS Core
Document Delivery Method (Transcript Recipient)Electronic (Document Delivery Method)
Note: This is just the value that is placed when created. It is okay for the value to differ. The refresher process does not need to ensure that this remains as this value.
Is Deleted (Transcript Recipient)Any recipients (with a matching Delivery To Client ID that match the “APASCoreClientID” configuration) that have not been identified as an active ApplyAlberta registered institution will be marked as deleted.