Contributing Pathway Courses (Terminology)

A reference to minimum number of courses 1) the student has completed that PASI is considering as part of determining pathway completion for the student. This means that:

  • The contributing courses for the requirement are the courses that the student first completed to achieve the requirement.
  • The contributing courses for the requirement set are from the requirement that the student first achieved for the set.
  • The contributing courses for the pathway should be a combination of the contributing courses from each pathway requirement set for the pathway.

This represents the minimum number (based on earliest completion) of required courses that contributed to the pathway completion. For example, where a requirement requires X of Y (e.g. 1 of 2) courses to be completed and the student completed Course A Jan 01, 2017 and Course B Jan 02, 2017, Course A is the only course listed as a contributing course.


  • There are cases where it is not clear which specific course contributed to the pathway completion because the courses are completed on the same date. In these cases all courses that were completed on the same day will be included as contributing courses:
  • Where a requirement requires X of Y courses to be completed and the student completed more courses than required to meet the requirement on the same date, all courses must be identified as a contributing course. (e.g., the student must complete 1 of 2 courses to satisfy the requirement and they complete both on Jan 12, 2017, then both courses are listed as contributing courses).

Note: From the 2017 School year onwards, the Contributing Pathway Courses are displayed on the DAR, Transcript and PASIprep screens.