Edit Organization Email Notification Override

This screen will allow a PASIprep user to edit a Organization Email Notification Override record.

The screen presents the data using the PASIprep Add Item Template.

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Header elements

Page Title Edit Organization Email Notification Override
Subtitle Edit Organization Email Notification Override Email address
Informational Message Only email address(es) added will receive the PASI Notifications related to the stated Purpose of the Email Override. Emails related to this Purpose will not be sent to the school email address.

Data Fields

*denotes fields that can be edited

Field NameDescriptionField Format
AuthorityDisplays the Authority
SchoolDisplays the School Code
PurposeDisplays the Intended Purpose of the override.
Email Address*Displays the email address. Allows the user to edit a valid Organization Notification Override Email Address of the Organization Email Notification Override. Must meet email address standards.
Start Date*Displays the saved start date. Allows the user to edit a valid date. Calendar date
End Date*Displays the save end date. Allows the user to edit a valid date. Calendar date

Action Buttons


Clicking [Save] performs the following:

  • Validate data is entered correctly (all required fields entered, values are in proper format, etc.)
  • Create the Organization Notification Email Override record.


Clicking [Cancel] closes the “add” screen and returns the user to the Edit screen

Change History

  • Release 9.13 Feature 11322 New