Edit Transcript Payment Details

This screen allows the user to edit details of a Transcript Payment.

This screen uses the PASIprep Edit Item Template.

Secured By

Common Student elements

Identifier Subtitle As described in the Page Title Header guideline.
Student Status Badges See Student Status Badges for full details on the the status badges that can be displayed on a student record.

Details Tab

The Details tab is the only tab for the page.

Data Fields

Alberta Student NumberThe ASN on the order. Read-only
Document OrderThe Document Order Identifier. Read-only
Total CostDocument Order Total Amount on the Document Order. Read-only
Amount Collected This is the Document Order Amount Collected The value is read-only
* If the Amount Collected = $0.00, it is accompanied with a [Restore] button - user can click on it to set Amount Collected = Total Cost

* If the Amount Collected > $0.00, it is accompanied with a [Waive] button - user can click on it to set Amount Collected = 0
Payment Reference ID Document Order Payment Transaction ID on the Document Order
Payment MethodThis is the Document Order Payment Method
* If fee is waived, this field is read-only and defaults to NotApplicable (Payment Method)
* If fee is not waived, this field is editable and is mandatory. It should be a dropdown containing all Payment Methods except Online (Payment Method) and NotApplicable (Payment Method)


CancelCloses the page without saving
Save Saves the changes to the corresponding Document Order payment details.