Electronic Transcript Integration (PESC Services)

PASI integration for electronic transcripts allows integrated clients to request/receive Alberta Education High School Transcripts using PESC compliant services.


The existing PASI Document Order infrastructure is leveraged to accomplish this. Any Document Order for a Transcript that has been identified to be delivered electronically will be delivered through specific services that support PESC compliant messages, rather than printed and mailed.

In order to deliver a transcript electronically, it must be created in one of the following ways:

  • Solicited Transcript Request: As a result of a Transcript Request sent an integrated client.
  • Unsolicited Transcript Request: As a result of a user using myPass to create a new Document Order for a transcript to be delivered electronically.

Once created, PASI will process the document order and generate the transcript. At this point the transcript ready to be retrieved by the integrated client.


The following are the “normal” usage scenarios for electronic transcript integration:

  1. Request and Retrieve a Single Transcript
    Create a single transcript request and retrieve the transcript (AE)
  2. Bulk Requests of Transcripts
    Create a batch of transcript requests that are scheduled for the future/now (APAS)
  3. Retrieve any Transcripts That Are Ready
    Ask PASI if there are any transcripts that are ready for delivery (APAS)
  4. Retrieve Transcript on a Request that was Never Fufilled
    Never received a transcript on a transcript request that was made a while ago, use retrieve service to get current status. (as a FYI)

Request (and then Retrieve) a Single Transcript


Request a High School Transcript
The integrating client generates a unique RequestTrackingID and sends a PESC Transcript Request message to the PASI Core Request Transcript service and waits for a response.


Request Transcript” PASI Core Service
The PASI Core service receives the request. The PESC xml is validated and then the request is processed. A PESC Transcript Response xml message is created and sent as a response.


Receive and Process Response from Request
The integrating client examines the response, if the request was accepted then proceed to the next step otherwise the integrating client records the cancel reasons and flags the request for a business user to review and resolve the issue.


Retrieve a High School Transcript
The integrating client uses the RequestTrackingID from step 1 to send a request to the PASI Core Retrieve Transcript service for that specific high school transcript and waits for a response.


Retrieve Transcript” PASI Core Service
The PASI Core service receives the request for a specific high school transcript. PASI confirms that the same integrated client made the original request and confirms that that the transcript has been generated and is available to be transmitted. A PESC High School Transcript xml message is created and sent as a response.


Receive and Process Response from Retrieve
The integrating client examines the response. If a high school transcript was sent, then process and store. If errors, then flag for a business user to review and resolve the issue.

Bulk Requests of Transcripts


Prepare Next Transcript Request
The integrating client looks for the next student that needs a transcript to be requested. A unique RequestTrackingID is created for the transcript request.


Request a High School Transcript
The integrating client uses the unique RequestTrackingID and sends a PESC Transcript Request message to the PASI Core Request Transcript service and waits for a response.


Request Transcript” PASI Core Service
The PASI Core service receives the request. The PESC xml is validated and then the request is processed. A PESC Transcript Response xml message is created and sent as a response.


Receive and Process Response from Request
The integrating client examines the response, if the request was accepted then proceed to the next step otherwise the integrating client records the cancel reasons and flags the request for a business user to review and resolve the issue.
If there are more requests to be made, then loop back to step 1.

Retrieve any Transcripts That are Ready


Determine PASI Core Version
The integrating client looks locally for the last PASI Core Version so that it can be used in the next step.


Retrieve Anything Since Last “Retrieve”
The integrating client uses the PASI Core Version from step 1 to sends a request to the PASI Core Retrieve Transcript service.


Retrieve Transcript” PASI Core Service
The PASI Core service receives the request for any changes that have occurred after the PASI Core Version. PASI looks for high school transcripts that the transcript have been generated and are available to be transmitted to the integrated client. PESC High School Transcript xml messages are created and sent as in a single response.


Receive and Process Response(s) from Retrieve
The integrating client examines the response. If high school transcript(s) were sent, then process and store. If errors, then flag for a business user to review and resolve the issue.


Store Highest PASI Core Version
The integrating client takes note of the highest PASI Core Version from the retrieved responses and stores it locally. Proceed back to step 1 until there are no more responses.


Request Transcript

The Request Transcript service can be used to do any of the follow:

  • Request a transcript to be scheduled for delivery on one of the future transcript release dates.
  • Request a transcript to be delivered as soon as possible.
  • Request a transcript to be delivered with Rush Processing Requested. This option should only be used when a user is actively requesting a transcript and is waiting at the keyboard for the transcript. PASI will process these transcripts in a special queue.
  • Each transcript request can specify the electronic format of the generated transcript (PDF only, PESC xml, or PDF embedded in PESC xml).

Every transcript request will receive a response from the service.

PESC Transcript Response xml

There are four types of responses are possible from the service:

  1. PESC Transcript Response with a ResponseStatus of “Canceled - indicates that the request was denied. The response will contain the reason(s) why the request was cancelled.
  2. PESC Transcript Response with a ResponseStatus of “Hold” - indicates that the request was accepted and a transcript will be generated at a future date based on the SessionDesignator in the request.
  3. PESC Transcript Response with a ResponseStatus of “TranscriptRequestReceived” - indicates that the request was accepted and a transcript will be generated as quickly as possible.
  4. Service level rejections - indicates that the request had an issue serious enough that PASI could not create a PESC Transcript Response.

Retrieve Transcript

The Retrieve Transcript service can be used to do any of the follow:

  1. Retrieve a response for specific transcript request based on a unique RequestTrackingID
    • The response could be a PESC High School Transcript or a PESC Transcript Response.
  2. Retrieve changes that have occurred after a PASICoreVersion.
    • The response could be zero or more PESC High School Transcripts and zero or more “Canceled” PESC Transcript Responses.
    • This is the only way to retrieve unsolicited transcripts

Note: It is possible to re-ask for historical transcripts by either asking for each transcript using the corresponding RequestTrackingID or by using an smaller PASICoreVersion.

PESC Messages Supported

PASI supports the following PESC messages through core services:

  • Transcript Request (v1.4.0)
  • Transcript Response (v1.4.0)
  • High School Transcript (v1.5.0)