Preferred Mailing Address

This is the address that should be used to send mail to the student. Note: The preferred mailing address is used for backward compatibility of the older end point prior to the 2019 EP.

This data element is a calculated element and it is set based on the following:

  • If the student has a Current Mailing Address, then this mailing address record is the preferred mailing address.
  • If the student does not have a current mailing address, but has other non-deleted mailing address records, then the address record with the most recent effective date is the preferred mailing address for the student.
  • If the student does not have any recent address record (i.e. no address records with an effective date before the current date), but has future effective date non-deleted mailing address records, then the address record with the earliest effective date is the preferred mailing address.
  • Otherwise, if the student does not have any non-deleted address record, then there is no preferred mailing address for the student.
Business Object Student
Optionality Optional
Data Format A reference to a valid Student Mailing Address.

Validation Rules