Rule 11367 - Invalid Address Information

Rule Type Rejection

Validated Data

This rule is used to validate:

To perform this validation, the following information is used:


If Is Residing With Parent/Guardian is true and Has Same Mailing Address as Student is false and Parent/Guardian Physical Address Source is not equal to ‘StudentMailingAddress’ and Parent/Guardian Physical Address Source is not equal to ‘StudentPhysicalAddress’, then Parent/Guardian Mailing Address Details or Parent/Guardian Physical Address Details must be provided.

Note: this rules does not apply when the record is deleted or being deleted.


When this validation rule is triggered, the following message is returned:

Invalid Address Information. When a student is residing with a Parent/Guardian, an address must be provided for the Parent/Guardian.

Applies To

This rule applies to:

Change History

  • Release 6.3 - Created
  • Release 7.09(F7856) - Updated

Upcoming Changes