Rule 40216 - Missing Subsequent Course Enrolment

Rule Name Missing Successor Course Enrolment
Rule Type Warning

Validated Data


For a Course Enrolment with a status of “Continuing (Course Enrolment Status)”, a Successor Course Enrolment with the same Course Code, Credits Attempted and Alberta Student Number that is in a Section for the same School Code is expected.

Effective Period

This validation rule is in effect for all school years.

Additional Notes

Since this Course Enrolment has a Status of “Continuing”, it should be used for cases where the student is planning to complete the course work they have started in a different Section from the same school, thus the Student should have a Successor Course Enrolment which represents their continuation of the course work.


When this validation rule is triggered, the following message is returned:

Missing Successor Course Enrolment. A Course Enrolment with a Course Enrolment Status of “Continuing” should have a Successor Course Enrolment.

Applies To

Change History

  • Release 6.01 - Updated
  • Release 5.06 - Updated
  • Release 5.01 - Added