Rule 44021 - Invalid School Authority Classification

Rule Type Rejection

Validated Data

This rule is used to validate the following data in a Student Credential record:

To perform this validation, the following information is used:


The credential requirement exemption FrancophoneEnteredAB-82170 can only be approved for Students who are currently enrolled in a Francophone authority where:

This rule should not be triggered on requests to delete the credential requirement exemption.

Effective Period

  • This validation rule is in effect for all school years.

Additional Notes


When this validation rule is triggered, the following message is returned:

Invalid School Authority Classification. Student must be enrolled in a Francophone school in a Francophone authority to be eligible for this exemption.

Applies To

Change History

  • Release 7.10 F8675\8676 - Updated to reflect changes in the data structure introduced as part of this feature.
  • Release 6.07 – Added