Rule 60082 - Unable to Establish a Student Connection

This Rule is available in both English and French. Please refer to French Translations page for the French text.

Rule Type Rejection

Validated Data


A Student has the following 3 connection methods to gain access to their information via myPass:

  1. Email Address match - The Primary or the Alternate Email addresses from PED Education Account matches the any of the Active Email addresses stored on the PASI profile for the student.
  2. Cell Phone Match - The cell phone from PED Education Account matches any of the active phone numbers stored on the PASI profile for the student and does not match any parent/guardian phone numbers.
  3. Signup Access Code Match - The Express signup code provided during the signup is assigned to the Student that is attempting to use it.

The logic of the rule is performed in the following manner:

  • Email Address Match is performed
    • If Matches, the rule Passes and a connection is established between the Primary ASN and the user’s education account.
    • If No Match, then a cell phone match is performed.
      • If there is a match, the rule Passes and a connection is established between the Primary ASN and the user’s education account.
      • If No Match, then Signup Access Code Match is performed
        • If Signup Access code Matches, a connection is established between the Primary ASN and the user’s education account.
        • If Signup Access code was not provided, or Signup Access code did not match, then the Rule fails.

Additional Notes

If the service failed to Establish a Connection, then myPass functionality has a subsequent check to confirm the Student Mailing Address:

  • If the Student has Active Mailing Address, then the student is direct to Request an Signup Code myPass page where the student is able to request an Signup access code. Validation Error message is not returned to the UI in the case.
  • If the Student does not have an Active Mailing Address, then the validation Error message is retuned to the user on the 'Obtain access to the student information via myPass' page and no further validations are performed.
    • Note: As the Student mailing address is not active, hence the student will not be able to create a self-service Express signup letter. The student has to contact the School or the helpdesk to update their information. They can also submit an appropriate Student Request form to update their details.


When this validation rule is triggered, the following message is returned:

Unable to create a connection.

Note: This message is not returned to the user on the UI, instead an information message is returned.

Applies To

Change History

  • Release 6.09 (F6659) – Added
  • Release 7.03 (F7589) - Rule is updated to support Bilingual initiative.
  • Release 8.10 (F9717) - Rule is updated to support cell phone connections.