Alberta Student Number (Student)

The Alberta Student Number (ASN) is a number generated by Alberta Education in order to uniquely identify each student. Each student will be permanently assigned a unique ASN. If the student is registered at a new school, changes their address, or changes their legal name, their ASN will remain unchanged.

For technical reasons, within PASI the Alberta Student Number (ASN) is identified as a State Province ID, as this term is used by the Student Interoperability Framework (SIF) as a generic definition of a government-based unique identifier.

Business Object Student
Optionality Mandatory
Data Format Alberta Student Number

Validation Rules

User Interface Guidelines

When used, this data element should adhere to the guidelines below.

Data Format Guidelines

When this data element is presented, it should be formatted as follows:

  • ####-####-#

When presented in PASIprep:

Read Only Field

When this data element is displayed in PASIprep it should adhere to the following guidelines:

Field Name Alberta Student Number
Null Values Blank
Hint Text None
Security Requirements None

Editable Field

When this data element is available to be edited, a General Input Control should be used as outlined below:

Mandatory? Yes
Data Type Numeric - formatted as an ASN
Default Value None
Null Value Blank
Hint Text None
Security Requirements This field is always visible.

Data Grid Column

When this data element is displayed in a PASIprep Data Grid it should adhere to the following guidelines:

Column Heading ASN
Column Width Auto
Filtering Style ASN Filter
Contains The Alberta Student Number of the student.
Null Values Blank
Column Security Requirements This column is always available.
Data Security Requirements The data in this column is always available.