Rule 11463 - Invalid Document Order Item Status for a Secondary ASN

Rule Type Rejection

Validated Data

This rule is used to validate the following data in a Document Order Item record:

To perform this validation, the following information is used:


Secondary ASN can only have Order Item Statuses of “Under Construction”, “Cancelled”, “Sent for Delivery”, “Failed Delivery, ”Delivered in Error“, ”Downloaded“, or ”Expired“.

Effective Period

  • This validation rule is in effect for all school years.


When this validation rule is triggered, the following message is returned:

When setting an ASN to Secondary, the ASN cannot have Document Order Items that have a status other than “Under Construction', 'Cancelled', 'Sent for Delivery', 'Failed Delivery', 'Delivered In Error', 'Downloaded', or 'Expired'.

Applies To

Change History

  • Release 3.14 – Added/Updated
  • Release 7.03 –Updated in F7405