Submit Student State Province ID Status

This service is used by Alberta Education when the Alberta Student Number (ASN) assigned to a Student has become ambiguous. This service can be used to link or unlink 2 ASNs, or to deactivate or reactivate an ASN. Refer to ASN Management under PASI Concepts and Approaches above for more information.

For technical reasons, within PASI the Alberta Student Number (ASN) is identified as a State Province ID, as this term is used by the Student Interoperability Framework (SIF) as a generic definition of a government-based unique identifier.


The service can be accessed by systems with the Ministry Client User role.

The service is only used by Student Records in PASIprep.

1) Service is available in - System Only End Point - only, as of the 2018 endpoint.

2) Previous endpoints will raise a “NotImplemented” exception.

Request Information

The request identifies the ASN whose status needs to be modified. This service can change the status of an ASN to: Primary, Secondary, or Deactivated. When setting the status of an ASN to Secondary, the associated Primary ASN is also required.

The following information is provided when using this service(* denotes mandatory information):

Request Validations

The following rules are used to validate the information provided in the request:

Service Functionality

Once the request information has been validated, PASI will update the Status of the ASN based on the information in the request. No other information associated to the ASN will be changed.

PrimaryA Primary ASN is the ASN that should be used when referencing a particular student.
SecondaryA Secondary ASN is an ASN that has been linked to a particular student, but is not the ASN that should be used.
DeactivatedA Deactivated ASN is an ASN that should no longer be used for any reason.

Note: When setting an ASN to be a Secondary ASN, any records that are moved to the primary ASN or deleted because of an identified duplicate on the primary ASN will be audited/captured in the ASN Linking Audit.

myPass Connections on a Secondary ASN

myPass connection for a Student

myPass connection for Student (myPass Connection Type) are adjusted based on the following:

  • If both, the Secondary ASN and the Primary ASN has a myPass connection of 'self' (i.e. Student (myPass Connection Type)) in a non-deleted state, then a PASIprep user is not permitted to perform the ASN linking. 1). Note: The PASIprep user needs to delete one of these myPass connections to proceed with ASN linking.
  • If the Secondary ASN has a Student (myPass Connection Type) in a non-deleted state, then moved this myPass connection is the same state (i.e. myPass Connection Connection Status) to the Primary ASN.

myPass connection for a Parent/Guardian

This service will identify and delete (if any) ParentGuardian (myPass Connection Type) with connection status = Expired (myPass Connection Status) from the secondary ASN when the ASN linking is performed.

myPass connection for an Authorized user

This service will identify and delete (if any) AuthorizedUser (myPass Connection Type) with connection status = Expired (myPass Connection Status) from the secondary ASN when the ASN linking is performed. Also, if there is a myPass Connection for Authorized user with Status = Pending, these myPass connection records must be deleted as well.

* Note: These myPass connection records are in a Pseudo-state, where the Authorized user record exist but there is no myPass connection established for this authorized user.

Student School Enrolments

This service will identify and delete (if any) duplicate School Enrolments from the secondary ASN if they already exist on the primary ASN.

Once the duplicate School Enrolments are deleted, this service will identify and move (if any) unique School Enrolments that exist on the secondary ASN to the primary ASN when two students are being linked.

Student Credential Requirement – Manual Achievements

This service will identify and delete (if any) duplicate Credential Requirement - Manual Achievements from the secondary ASN if they already exist on the primary ASN.

Once the duplicate Credential Requirement – Manual Achievements are deleted, this service will identify and move (if any) unique Credential Requirement – Manual Achievements that exist on the secondary ASN to the primary ASN when two students are being linked.

Student Credential Requirement - Exemptions

This service will identify and delete (if any) duplicate Credential Requirement Exemption Reasonss from the secondary ASN if they already exist on the primary ASN.

Once the duplicate Credential Requirement - Exemptions are deleted, this service will identify and move (if any) unique Credential Requirement - Exemptions that exist on the secondary ASN to the primary ASN when two students are being linked.

Student External Credentials

This service will identify and delete (if any) duplicate External Credentials from the secondary ASN if they already exist on the primary ASN.

Once the duplicate External Credentials are deleted, this service will identify and move (if any) unique External Credentials that exist on the secondary ASN to the primary ASN when two students are being linked.

Course Enrolments

This service will identify and delete (if any) duplicate Course Enrolments from the secondary ASN if they already exist on the primary ASN.

Once the duplicate Course Enrolments are deleted, this service will identify and move (if any) unique Course Enrolments that exist on the secondary ASN to the primary ASN when two students are being linked.

Evaluated Marks

This service will identify and delete (if any) duplicate Evaluated Marks from the secondary ASN if they already exist on the primary ASN.

Once the duplicate Evaluated Marks are deleted, this service will identify and move (if any) unique Evaluated Marks that exist on the secondary ASN to the primary ASN when two students are being linked.

GED Exam Examinees

This service will identify and delete (if any) duplicate GED Exam Examinees from the secondary ASN if they already exist on the primary ASN.

Once the duplicate GED Exam Examinees are deleted, this service will identify and move (if any) unique GED Exam Examinees that exist on the secondary ASN to the primary ASN when two students are being linked.

Once GED Examinees have been moved, this service will identify and delete (if any) duplicate GED Exam Marks from the GED Examinee records that have been moved to the Primary ASN if they already exist on the Primary ASN.

Note: When the GED Exam Mark is deleted, the GED Exam Mark Value is also deleted by the system.

Diploma Exam Marks/Registrations

This service will identify and delete (if any) duplicate Diploma Exam Mark / Diploma Exam Registrations from the secondary ASN if they already exist on the primary ASN.

Once the duplicate Diploma Exam Marks/Registrations are deleted, this service will identify and move (if any) unique Diploma Exam Marks/Registrations that exist on the secondary ASN to the primary ASN when two students are being linked.

Note: When the Diploma Exam Mark is deleted, the Diploma Exam Mark Value is also deleted by the system.

Waived Fees

This service will identify and delete (if any) duplicate Diploma Exam Waived Fees from the secondary ASN if they already exist on the primary ASN.

Once the duplicate Waived Fees are deleted, this service will identify and move (if any) unique Waived Fees that exist on the secondary ASN to the primary ASN when two students are being linked.

Exam Registration Fees

This service will identify and delete (if any) duplicate Exam Registration Fees from the secondary ASN if they already exist on the primary ASN.

Document Orders

This service will identify and delete (if any) Document Order Item that has a status of “Under Construction” for the secondary ASN when two students are being linked.

Once the identified Document Order Items are deleted, if any of the parent Document Orders becomes ‘empty’ (i.e. the parent Document Order only contains deleted Document Order Items), the Document Order is deleted as well.

Student Documents

If the caller is linking two ASNs, and the secondary ASN has non-deleted Student Documents, the Student Document should be updated to use the primary ASN.

In the case where a Student Document has been linked to a Student to support their Identity (Document Category), when ASNs are linked the following occurs:

Health Version Updates

The PASI Core Version (Student Health Version) will be updated for the students that have had their ASN status updated by this service.

Elections Alberta Triggers

When linking or unlinking two ASNs, PASI will create/update the student’s Elections Alberta Trigger record for both the Primary and Secondary ASN. When deactivating / reactivating an ASN, PASI will create/update the student’s Elections Alberta Trigger record.

Responsible School

When ASNs are linked:

Status Processor Trigger Records

This service will create Status Processor triggers as appropriate as described in the following sections.

When the ASN Status of an Alberta Student Number is changed from being a Primary ASN to a Secondary ASN, the following Status Processor Triggers are created:

When the ASN Status of an Alberta Student Number is changed from being a Secondary ASN to a Primary ASN, the following Status Processor Triggers are created:

When the Primary Student linked to a Secondary ASN is updated, the following Status Processor Triggers are created:

When the ASN Status of an Alberta Student Number is changed from being a Primary ASN to a Deactivated ASN, the following Status Processor Triggers are created:

When the ASN Status of an Alberta Student Number is changed from being a Deactivated ASN to a Primary ASN, the following Status Processor Triggers are created:

Scheduled Student Record Disposal Date

When ASNs are linked or unlinked the Scheduled Student Record Disposal Date is recalculated and if necessary updated, for both ASNs.

Student Record Custodian(s)

When ASNs are linked:

  • Delete all the custodians for the secondary ASN
  • Update the custodians for the primary ASN

Synchronization Status

When linking two ASNs, the service should update the Synchronization Status of the Primary ASN to On if:

When unlinking two ASNs, the service should update the Synchronization Status of the Secondary ASN to match the status of the Primary ASN if:

Student Activity

The Student Activity record for the primary ASN is updated if the most recent school year on the records moved to the primary ASN is greater than the Student Activity School Year.

Response Information

A response identifies if the request was successfully applied. If not successful, the response identifies which validation rules failed

Update History

  • Release 9.12 - F9565 Update
This is implemented with Rule 11474 - Unable to Link