Responsible School

Used to track each transition between schools, and transitions in and out of the Alberta education system.

Business Definition

Identifies a school that is taking responsibility for the overall educational programming of a student. In the event that a student is enrolled within more than one school, those schools work together to determine which school will be deemed the Responsible School.

"Currently Responsible"

“Currently responsible” means the school on the student’s latest responsible school record (based on the effective date) where the responsible school’s effective date is equal or prior to current date with a Has Responsible School = Yes.


This business object includes the following attributes:

Attribute Name Attribute Type Optionality Cardinality
Responsible School Effective Date Data Element Mandatory Single
Has Responsible School Data Element Mandatory Single
Responsible School Is Deleted Data Element Mandatory Single
Responsible School Reference ID Data Element Mandatory Single
Responsible School City Data Element Optional Single
Responsible School Code Data Element Optional Single
Responsible School Country Data Element Optional Single
Responsible School Name Data Element Optional Single
Responsible School State/Province Data Element Optional Single
Student (Responsible School) Data Element Mandatory Single
Transition Reason Data Element Mandatory Single
Responsible School Validation Status Data Element Mandatory Single
Audit Information (Responsible School)Child Business ObjectOptionalSingle
Audit History (Responsible School)Child Business ObjectMandatoryMultiple

Business Object References

This business object is referenced from other business objects via the following attributes:

    No links found.

Data Access Rules

The following rules are applied to control access to view/add/edit a Responsible School record.

Synchronization Rules

Responsible School Synchronization

To synchronize1) a Responsible School record, the user must:

Responsible School Status Synchronization

To synchronize on the validation status of a responsible school record, the user must:

Access to a Record

Access to a Responsible School Record

To access a responsible school record, a user must:

  • Have access to the student AND either:
    • Be attempting to access the current responsible school record for the student OR
    • Be attempting to access a record that they own (meaning the user is associated to the school code on the record or the school's governing school authority) OR
    • Be attempting to access a record immediately following (based on effective date) a record that they own, OR
    • Have an association to the student By Ministry OR
    • Have an association to the student By Student Creation OR
    • Have an association to the student By Current School Enrolment OR
    • Have an association to the student By Last School Enrolment OR
    • Have an association to the student By Recent School Enrolment

Access to a Responsible School Validation Status Record

The Responsible School Validation Status can only be accessed by users that can also update the associated responsible school record.

Access to a Responsible School Audit History

To access the audit information, the user must meet the rules to update the associated responsible school record.

Adding a new Record

In order to add a new responsible school record, the Organization must have Access to the Student2)

Updating a Record

Updating a Responsible School Record

In order to update an existing responsible school record (including deleted/undelete), a user must3):

Updating Acknowledgement Status of Responsible School Core Alert

In order to update the responsible school core alert's Responsible School Validation Status record, the user must be able to access the responsible school validation status.6)

using the Is Data Available service
4) , 5)
either tied directly to the school or directly tied to the school's governing authority