View Student - Summary Tab

View Student defaults to the Summary tab when an ASN lookup is performed. The purpose of the Summary tab is to provide summary-level information about a student; one application of the screen will be to surface information to schools/authorities that are relevant to onboarding students.

Secured By

Security required to access this screen aligns with what is required to access View Student.

Common Student elements

Identifier Subtitle As described in the Page Title Header guideline.
Student Status Badges See Student Status Badges for full details on the the status badges that can be displayed on a student record.

Student Summary

This is a PASIprep Card Group consists of the following information:

DataDescriptionSecurity Restrictions (if any)
Connected to myPassThe student is considered connected based on the Is Connected to myPass data element.
Total Earned CreditsThe sum of all credits for the student. This would be the same calculation as is currently completed on the Transcript today. If the user has PASIprep Level 06 Permission - View Courses and Marks and view access to Manage Credentials they can click on the Total Credits Earned as a short cut to get the user to the View Student - Courses & Marks Tab.
Grade LevelThe grade level associated with the most recent non-deleted Student School Enrolment, or Home Education Registration. Where the student has no school enrolments or home education registrations, “N/A” is displayed. Note: Grade Level for Home Education Registration is UG
Preferred NameStudent'​s active Preferred Name as identified in the Student (Business Object) record.
Links to the View Student Identity Document (Legal Name) or View Student Name screen for the name (depending if the preferred name is a legal name or not)
Legal NameName from the Student'​s Current Identity Name record.
Links to the View Student Identity Document for the Student's identity information.
Current Mailing Address

Displays Current Mailing Address formatted as per Data Format Guidelines as a hyperlink that links to the View Student Address page for that Student address.
The value displayed is consistent with formatting in myPass/as it would display on a document.
If no records meeting this criteria exist for the student, the text “No record found” is shown.
Note: for non-Canadian mailing addresses the country will also be displayed.

Current Physical Address

Displays Current Physical Address formatted as per Data Format Guidelines as a hyperlink that links to the View Student Address page for that Student address.

Email Address

Displays the student's most recently updated active email address value formatted as per Data Format Guidelines and displayed as a link to the View Student Email Address page for that Email Address.
If no records meeting this criteria exist for the student, the text “No record found” is shown.

Preferred Phone Number

Displays the active (as of the current date, the phone number is effective and has not expired) Preferred Phone Number formatted as per the Data Format Guidelines as a hyperlink that links to the View Student - Phone Number page for that Phone Number.
If no records meeting this criteria exist for the student, the text “No record found” is shown.

This field is not visible if user is not associated by: By Ministry, By Student Creation, By Current School Enrolment or By Last School Enrolment

Organization Summary

The Organization Summary section contains the following sections:

What is my current association to this student?

This section displays the association type that the user has with the student. The association type displays as a hyperlink and when selected displays a description of the association type.

Association TypeAssociation Message Text
By MinistryYou are associated with this and every student in PASI as a Ministry of Education user.
By Student CreationYou are associated to this student because the organization that you belong to created the Student record. If a Student School Enrolment does not get recorded for the student, the association will remain in place for a period of 2 years following the date the student record was created. A student is associated to a school based on their current enrollments if the school has an enrolment record that has not yet ended or has an Exit Date in the future. As the exit date is an optional field on a student school enrolment record, the exit date will be derived if not available.
By Current School EnrolmentYou are associated to the student because they have a current student school enrolment at the school that you are associated with. In order to make updates to this student’s information, you must be representing the School (or School Authority) in which the student is currently enrolled.
By Last School Enrolment

You are associated to the student because their last student school enrolment (which has ended) is associated with the School (or School Authority) that you are associated with. This association allows you to complete updates to the student’s information (e.g., mailing address).

A student is associated to a school based on their last enrolment if the school has an enrolment record that has ended, but is also the most recently ended enrolment record (i.e. the student has not yet been enrolled in another Alberta school).

This association will expire 6 months after the Registration Exit Date of the enrolment.

Note: Deleted School Enrolments (Student School Enrolment Is Deleted = True), are ignored when determining associated schools.

Student > School Enrolment> School> School Authority> PASI Client

By Recent School Enrolment

You are associated to this student because the school (or School Authority) you are associated with has a recent student school enrolment that has ended for this student.

This type of Student Association exists for a period of 12 months after a student leaves a school and allows you to access this student’s information (e.g., student’s transcript details).

This type of association is directly dependent on the Registration Exit Date, an exit date will be derived if not available.

Note: Deleted Student School Enrolment records (Student School Enrolment Is Deleted = True), are ignored when determining associated schools.

Student > School Enrolment > School > School Authority > PASI Client

By Exam Registration

You are associated to the student because this student registered to write a diploma exam at the writing centre that you are associated with.

You will remain associated to this student while a “Registered” Exam Component Mark exists for the Exam Sitting and Writing Centre with a future Scheduled Date. This association lasts until until the future date specified on the exam registration.

While this association exists, you will have access to update student information such as the student’s address because you represent the writing center (or School Authority) in which the student has registered for an exam with a future exam written on date.

Note: This type of Student Association expires the day the exam is written.

No AssociationYou are not associated to this student and therefore do not have access to update any information for this student.

Who is responsible for this Student’s Information?

1) Label: Who is the Responsible School for this Student’s Information?
2) Information Icon: provides further context to what Student Responsibility entails.

Text to display when Information icon is selected:

  • Student Responsibility refers to the school that is responsible to oversee the overall educational programming of the student.

Data Section

This section displays the school information from the most recent (not-deleted) responsible school record.

  • If the Responsible School? = Yes
  • if the most recent responsible school record contains a School Code display the School Name for School Code (Responsible School).
  • if the most recent responsible school record contains a School Name, School City, School Province or School Country display the information available seperated by commas.
  • If there is no School Name display “Unknown School” in place of the school name.
  • If the Responsible School? = No or Unknown
    • if the student does NOT have a school code or School Information1) in their most recent Responsible School record then display “No school information provided”.
    • If the student has no Responsible School records then display “No record found.”