Add School Transition

This screen (based on the PASIprep Add Item Template will allow a PASIprep user to add a School Transition record for a student.

Secured By

PASIprep users must satisfy the “Adding a New Responsible School” Responsible School Data Access Rules and have the PASIprep Level 03A Permission - Manage School Enrolments in order to access this page.

If the security requirements are not met, user will be denied access and will see an unexpected error instead, as defined in the PASIprep UI Guidelines.

Common Student Elements

Identifier Subtitle As described in the Page Title Header guideline.
Student Status Badges See Student Status Badges for full details on the status badges that can be displayed on a student record.

Add School Transition

Default View

Has Responsible School Example

Non-Alberta Has Responsible School Example

Data Field

Current Responsible School

Contains the school name from the most recent not-deleted responsible School record.

  • If the Responsible School? = Yes
    • if the most recent responsible school record contains a school code display the School Name for School Code (Responsible School).
    • if the most recent responsible school record contains a School Name, School City, School Province or School Country display the information available seperated by commas.
    • If there is no School Name display “Unknown School” in place of the school name.
  • If the most recent Responsible School? = No or Unknown
    • if the student does NOT have a school code or School Information in their most recent Responsible School record then display “No school information provided”.
    • If the student does not have any Responsible School records then display “No record found.”
Transition Information
Effective Date

The start date for when the school accepts responsibility of the student.

  • This date is always editable
  • Refresh the “Which School is Responsible?” list whenever the Effective Date added or updated.
As of this Effective Date, is there a Responsible School? Dropdown containing Yes, No, and Unknown. Defaulted to blank when adding a new record.
* If ‘Yes’ is selected the user has the option of selecting a school enrolment from the “Which School is Responsible” field or entering the responsible school information. * If the user selects ‘Yes’ for this question they must select a school enrolment or provide non-Alberta school information. * If ‘No’ is selected the user has the option of entering the responsible school information but not the school enrolment information * If ‘Unknown’ is selected the user has the option of entering the responsible school information but not the school enrolment information
Transition Reason

The reason for the student's transition.
The following values are not available within the dropdown:

School Information
Which School is Responsible?

Using the Effective Date display a dropdown list containing school enrolments formatted: School Name (SchoolCode) – Start Date: {Start Date} that fall within the school year of the Effective Date. Values are sorted ascending by school name.
The user may only select a School Enrolment if they selected “Yes” for the question: As of this Effective Date, is there a Responsible School? and have entered a valid Effective Date.

  • If the Effective Date falls within the start and exit date of a current (active) school enrolment populate the list with:
    • A dropdown containing all current (active) and all future school enrolments.
  • If the Effective Date falls within the future school year populate the list with:
    • A dropdown containing school enrolments that are effective during that time period1).
  • If the Effective Date specified is for a past school year populate the list with:
    • A dropdown containing school enrolments that were effective during that time period2)
  • If the Effective Date specified is blank:
    • The dropdown list will remain blank
AuthorityDisplayed only when a school enrolment is selected
SchoolDisplayed only when a school enrolment is selected
School NameDisplayed only when a school enrolment is not selected. This field has no default.
School CountryDisplay only when a school enrolment is not selected from the “Which School is responsible?”. Defaulted to blank, user must specify.
School State/Province Display only when a school enrolment is not selected from the “Which School is responsible?”. Defaulted to blank, user must specify.
School CityDisplay only when a school enrolment is not selected from the “Which School is responsible?”. Defaulted to blank, user must specify

Actions Toolbox

  1. [CANCEL]
    • clicking on this will return the user to the View Student – School Enrolments Tab.
  2. [SAVE]
    • Clicking on this will validate the data the entered by the user and if successfully validated will return the user to the View Student – School Enrolments Tab.
    • The new record will be displayed in the [Responsible Schools] grid.
    • The ‘Has Responsible School’ field is derived using the following logic:
Is this student planning to attend school?YesYesYes
Which school is responsible?Enrolment selected for an Alberta School.Enrolment not selected for an Alberta School. Out of Province selected.
Has Responsible School? = YesNoYes
Is this student planning to attend school?YesYesYes
Which school is responsible?Out of Country selected.City (No country and province). School Name (no country and province).
Has Responsible School? = YesUnknownUnknown
Is this student planning to attend school?NoUnknown
Which school is responsible?Enrolment not available to select.Enrolment not selected for an Alberta School.
Has Responsible School? = NoUnknown

1. Enrolment record needed for Alberta schools.
2. School - for out of province is sufficient.

Google Analytics

Page view tracking as described in PASIprep Analytics.

1) , 2)
Effective Date that falls within the range of the school enrolment’s Start and Exit Date