Rule 9057 - Organization has no association to Student

Rule Type Rejection

Validated Data

To perform this validation, the following information is used:


The PASI client must be associated to the student through ministry, a current school enrolment, a last school enrolment, a recent school enrolment, or is the creator of the student and the student has no enrolments.

When the Acknowledge External Access flag is set to false, the PASI client must be, either:

Effective Period

  • This validation rule is in effect for all school years.


When this validation rule is triggered, the following message is returned:

You do not have access to student {StateProvinceId}. You must set the Acknowledge External Access flag to true to indicate that you understand your access will be tracked, and the audit information will be made available to the Student and authorized 3rd party users.

Applies To

Change History

  • Release 4.04 – Added/Updated
  • Release 8.06 - Added Student Record Custodian