Rule 9067 - Invalid Update

Rule Type Rejection

Validated Data

This rule is used to validate the following on the Student Address business object:

To perform this validation, the following information is used:


If an update is provided to the Is Deleted on a record, then, this update cannot contain updates to another data field on the same record.

Additional Information

Please note: This rule will not prevent:

  1. Any creation of a deleted records or
  2. Any updates to a deleted record if there was no change to the Is Deleted value in the same update.
  3. If NULL is submitted for a field that PASI stores as empty this will not be viewed as a change to the record.
  4. If empty value is submitted for a field that PASI stores as NULL this will not be viewed as a change to the record.


When this validation rule is triggered, the following message is returned:

Invalid Update. A record cannot be updated at the same time if a change to delete/undelete is provided.

Applies To

This rule applies to:

Change History

  • Release 7.05 (F7844) – Added
  • Release 9.14 (F7844) – Updated NULL and empty value treated the same.