Select Student for Credential Order Screen

This functionality is available in both English and French. Please refer to French Translations page for the French text.

Part of the Ordering a Credential Reprint process.

Select Student for Credential Order Screen - Public Mode

When starting a new Credential Reprint Document Order, the user will first select the Student they would like to create the Order for.

  • The Student dropdown contains a list of active Student Connections for the User, similar to the Student Connection Selector. However, Students who do not have a Credential eligible for Reprint are filtered out from the list (see section 1.4 for details on eligibility)
  • The user can opt out of creating a new order by clicking [Cancel], where they would return to the Home page with no Orders created.
  • Once the user selects a student and clicks [Order], they will proceed to Step 1.

If user arrives to this screen but none of their Student Connections have a Student Credential eligible for reprint, then the following message will be shown instead:

Select Student for Credential Order Screen - Admin Mode

The Admin/Ministry users see the same screen that a public user will see when they access this screen in myPass.