DER Sign-Up Letter Processor

myPass Signup Letter processor is a background PASI process for those students have had certain interactions with diploma exams and have not already signed up for myPass access.
Currently, This process runs once a day upon restart of the system.

Note: This background processor uses a Primary Node Processor rather than the task runner. The class name for this is “DerSignupLetterProcess”.

Processing Logic

The Processing Logic on this Background Processor is as follows:

  1. Do Nothing, if the Student already has a ‘Self’ myPass Connection as the student will receive an existing PASI message (and PED notifications) when the Diploma Exam results are available.
  2. If the Student does not have an ‘Self’ myPass connection, but has an Active email address in PASI, then send myPass DER Signup Email to the student.
  3. If the student does not have the active email address in PASI, then the DER Signup Letter (PDF) is sent to the student on their active mailing address.
    1. This will generate document orders of document type ‘ExpressSignup’ using the Construct Document Order (System Service) PASI Core service.

Information Consumed

This background process uses the following information to do its processing:

Processing Rules

Once a day the background processor will run this process to create document orders/document order items of type ‘ExpressSignup (Document Type)’. This runs once upon startup of PASI. PASI Core is currently restarted every morning and therefore this background process gets run daily as a result of that. The timeframe of each run is not handled through a configuration element, but is a feature of the framework that is used to run background processes. The background processor completes the following:

Gather a list of students with Exam Marks records that:

  • Have a component with a mark value and the 'Last Updated UTC' is in the last 30 days, or
  • Have a ExamMarkStatus of “Registered” and one of the exam components has a written on date in the last 30 days.
    Note: Exclude Exam Marks in a school year prior to 2015.

From these students, exclude students with one or more of the following:

  • Students that are under 13 years of age.1).
  • Students that have previously received a DER Signup Letter (PDF) (ex. after writing their first exam)
  • Students that have previously received a myPass DER Signup Email (ex. after writing their first exam)
  • Has a student connection with a relationship type of “Self” and a status of “Student Hold”, “Active”, or “Suspended”.
  • Does not have a Current Mailing Address.
  • Only has school enrolment(s) in blacklisted authorities (see section Blacklisted Authorities) for the school year of the added/modified diploma exam mark. Deleted school enrollments are ignored in this check.
    Note: Do not exclude students that attended a blacklisted authority and a non-blacklisted authority in the same school year as the exam mark.

Students those who met the above requirements and have not been excluded will receive:

Blacklisted Authorities

See Express Letter Authority Blacklist for the full list of authorities that have been blacklisted from having the letter generated for their students.

Background Process Unsuccessful

Where this background process is unsuccessful, it will be retried on the next application restart.

No notification is provided where the background process fails, however this information is visible on the health page that PASI support monitors if something goes wrong.

Information Produced

For each student selected to receive a DER Signup Letter (PDF), a Document Order and a Document Order Item will be produced.

Document Order

The following information, found in values column will be provided when creating a Document Order for each student. If not mentioned, optional fields on the service request shall take the default value as defined by the PASI core service.

Document Order Request PropertiesOptionalityDERSignup Order Values
Created By Source SystemMandatory”PASI Core”
Request MethodMandatory”Not Applicable”
Order Requestor ByOptional“Alberta Education”
Placed By Education AccountOptionalNULL
Organization of Education AccountOptionalNULL
Order Placed Date/TimeOptionalCurrent Date and Time
Payment Transaction IDConditionalNULL
Payment MethodConditionalNULL
Is DeletedMandatoryFalse

Document Order Item

One Document Order Item will be created for the Document Order above containing the following:

Document Order Item Data ElementOptionalityDERSignup Order Item Values
Student ASNMandatoryStudent ASN identified in #1
Document TypeMandatoryExpressSignup (Document Type)
Amount CollectedMandatory0
Control Schedule IdentifierOptionalNULL
Delivery MethodMandatoryAutomatedMail (Document Delivery Method)
Number of CopiesMandatory1
Recipient Is StudentMandatoryTrue
Recipient NameMandatory Preferred Name of the Student
Max 60 chars
Refer to PASI Data Format Guidelines for format guidelines.
Recipient Address Lines, Recipient Address City Name, Recipient Address State/Province, Recipient Address Postal/ZIP Code AND Recipient Country NameConditional

Current Mailing Address for the student is used.

  • Recipient address fields should be populated based on the guidelines defined in the PASI Data Format Guidelines on mapping the selected student's address to document order item recipient mailing addresses.
Recipient City*ConditionalThis element shall take the City component of the student’s mailing address.
Max 60 chars
Recipient Province/State*ConditionalIf mailing address is found, this element shall take the Province/State component.
Max 20 chars
Recipient Postal Code/Zip*ConditionalIf mailing address is found, this element shall take the Postal Code/Zip component.
Max 15 chars
Recipient Country*ConditionalIf mailing address is found, this element shall take the Country component.
Max 60 chars
Recipient Fax NumberConditionalNULL
Re-Order Of Document Order ItemConditionalNULL
Re-Order ReasonConditionalNULL

* Use the active preferred mailing address on the student. If none, then use the most recently changed student address that is still active.

Signup Access Code

One Access Code (Signup Code) for the Document Order and Document Order Item above containing the following:

Access Code Data ElementValues
Student (Signup Code)Student ASN identified in #1
Access Code (Signup Code)Unique Access Code
This is the Access Code used to complete the myPass Connection in myPass. The format of the access code is an eight digit alpha-numeric, mixed case code.
Expiry Date (Signup Code)

DocumentOrder.OrderPlacedDate + Expiry Period from configuration file Initially, this date is set while processing the signup orders based on Document Order Created Date and PASI configuration value for DER Signup Expiry Period. This will take the value of Document Order Created Date + Expiry Period from configuration file.

After a certain number of unsuccessful attempts with this access code, myPass signup process will expire the Access Code.

It will also be expired when the signup process is successfully completed or if there is another Student Connection found while completing the sign up process using this access code.

Configuration File

PASI configuration file includes a configuration value for Signup Access Code expiration (DerSignupAccessCodeExpiryDays) This value is a configurable value and it is initially has been set to 60 days.

Students under 13 years of age are not permitted to gain access to their information via myPass.