A description of why a Diploma Exam Waived Fee was created.
Data Format | String |
This data element is used in the following business objects:
This data element is used in the following validation rules:
This data element is used in the following functionality:
Unless otherwise specified, this data element should adhere to the guidelines below.
When this data element is presented, it should be formatted as a string.
When this data element is displayed it should adhere to the following guidelines:
Field Name | Waived Reason |
Null Values | Blank |
Hint Text | None |
Security Requirements | None |
When this data element is available to be edited, a General Input Control should be used as outlined below:
Field Name | Waived Reason |
Mandatory? | No |
Data Type | Alphanumeric |
Default Value | The existing value if available. Otherwise no default. |
Null Value | Blank |
Hint Text | None |
Security Requirements | None |