Edit Classroom Accommodation

The Edit Classroom Accommodation screen (based on the PASIprep Edit Item Template) is used to edit the details for a specific Classroom Accommodation record.

Secured By

PASIprep users must have PASIprep Level 03A Permission - Manage School Enrolments AND must meet the “Updating a Record” requirements of the Classroom Accommodation data access rules to edit the record and access this page.

Header Elements

Page Title Edit Classroom Accommodation
Subtitle Student Identifier Subtitle

Work Items

Where an outstanding work item exists for the student and classroom accommodation record, a work item card is to be displayed at the top of the screen where the user meets the “Access to Classroom Accommodation Validation Status” Classroom Accommodation Data Access Rules.

Actions Toolbox

The following buttons are presented in the action toolbox in the following order.

Save Action

When selected, this action calls the Submit Classroom Accommodation service to save the changes to the classroom accommodation record. If the validation is successful, the classroom accommodation record is to be saved. This action is available at all times when the user accesses this screen.

Cancel Action

When selected, this action will take the user back to the screen they came in from without saving any of the changes. This action is available at all times when the user accesses this screen.

Data Fields

This screen contains a field for each of the following data elements (as laid out above):


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