Managing School Enrolment Information

Managing School Enrolment Information is one of the functional areas to consider when Integrating with PASI.


Architectural Considerations

The following questions should be considered when Managing School Enrolment Information in addition to the general Managing Data within PASI and Managing Core Alerts considerations.

Will users have the ability to update Student School Enrolment information in each of the synchronized school years and will those updates submitted to PASI?

PASI recommends allowing users to apply updates for all years the years that are synchronized with PASI. If these school years are fully synchronized, users will not be required to use PASIprep to update Student School Enrolments and related Student School Enrolment Status/Core Alerts.

How will updates to historical Student School Enrolment information be handled in your SIS?

PASI recommends allowing users to add/update/delete Historical Student School Enrolments. This will allow users to apply updates in their integrated solution which in turn will update PASI. These users will not have to use PASIprep to update Student School Enrolment and Student School Enrolment Status.

What approach is used to ensure integrity of all enrolment elements when updating Student School Enrolments that are not being synchronzied with PASI?

Student School Enrolments that are not being synchronized with PASI (e.g. Historical School Enrolments) may exist in both PASI and the integrated solution. If the solution allows users to update these Student School Enrolments, the integrated solution cannot assume it contains the most accurate data and blindly update PASI. Users must be able to see both the data in PASI and the integrated solution to determine which has the correct data and then apply updates to the data in PASI and/or the integrated solution accordingly.