PASIprep Functionality (Template)

The purpose of for the functionality.

* Image of the screen

* Template used by this screen (e.g. PASIprep List Items Template, PASIprep Add Item Template, PASIprep Edit Item Template,PASIprep View Item Template, PASIprep Dialog - Find, etc.)

Secured By

In this section, describe the permissions/associations/access rights required and any additional rules for accessing the screen/functionality itself.

This section should not contain content security and access rules (e.g. documenting when a button or a field on screen is visible or not) - these rules should be documented in the content sections where they are applicable to.

The following PASIprep Permissions are required to access this screen:

The following associations are also required for access:

  • Association Type
  • Association Type

The following restrictions are also in place: {Description}

Header Elements

If applicable, describe the header elements shown (Identifier subtitle, badges, etc)

{Action Toolbox Control Name}

For each action toolbox action (e.g. cancel/save), repeat this section for each control and include:

Access Rules

(The following information can also be captured by linking to the relevant Data Access Rules page)

The following PASIprep Permissions are required to access this control:

The following associations are also required for access:

  • Association Type
  • Association Type

The following restrictions are also in place: {Description}

Processing for {Control}

* Description of the control and the processing that happens

* Additional screenshots describing the behavior as needed

* What Core Service(s) (if any) is used by the control

Validation Rules

The following user error validation rules are implemented for the following controls:

{Section Name}

For screens with multiple sections (for example, a Selection Criteria and Data Grid sections) repeat this for each section and include:

  • Description of the section
  • Image of the section
  • What UI widgets are utilized (e.g. PASIprep 2.0 Business Object Grids, PASIprep 2.0 Audit History Grid, value list, etc.)
  • What is the data source for the content shown, and describe how permission/associated/limited access restricts user's access to the data source (if applicable)

Data Fields

The following information is available in this section of the screen:

Field Description Field Format Data Access Rules (Optional)
Field Name (link to the Data Element when applicable)Field BehaviorFormat{describe how permission/associated/limited access restricts the view of this field, if any. Usually a link to the applicable Data Access Rules page}
Field Name (link to the Data Element when applicable)Field BehaviorFormat{describe how permission/associated/limited access restricts the view of this field, if any. Usually a link to the applicable Data Access Rules page}

{Control Name}

For sections with controls (e.g. add/delete), repeat this section for each control and include:

Access Rules

(The following information can also be captured by linking to the relevant Data Access Rules page)

The following PASIprep Permissions are required to access this control:

The following associations are also required for access:

  • Association Type
  • Association Type

The following restrictions are also in place: {Description}

Processing for {Control}

* Description of the control and the processing that happens

* Additional screenshots describing the behavior as needed

* What Core Service(s) (if any) is used by the control

Validation Rules

The following user error validation rules are implemented for the following controls:

NOTE: Event analytics information should be documented in the PASIprep Analytics page instead.