Rule 40229 - Invalid Failing Mark for Course

Rule Name Invalid Failing Mark for Course
Rule Type Warning

Validated Data

This rule is used to validate the following data in a Course Enrolment record:

To perform this validation, the following information is used:


A Failing Mark cannot be provided for CTS Courses. A Failing Mark is a mark that is less than 50 when the Mark Format is Percentage, or an 'F' when the Mark Format is Letter or Pass/Fail.

This validation rule is in effect up to and including the 2018/2019 school year.


When this validation rule is triggered, the following message is returned:

  • Invalid Failing Mark for course. Marks for course ({CourseCode}) cannot be less than 50 or 'F'.


  • {CourseCode} means the course code field on the course enrolment record

Applies To

This rule applies to:

Change History

  • Release 8.02 - Updated
  • Release 8.00 - Updated
  • Release 7.12 - Updated
  • Release 2.10 – Added/Updated

Upcoming Changes