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Student School Enrolment

School Enrolment describes the details related to the educational activity a student is enlisted in at a specific school such as the status, grade, enrolment type, school code, school year, exception code(s), grant program code(s) and the start and end dates of said enrolment.

Student School Enrolment records are used to record information about which schools a student attends and includes:

  • Where the student attended school,
  • When the student attended school, and
  • What programming the student received at the school.


This business object is considered a child of Student.

This business object includes the following attributes:

Attribute Name Attribute Type Optionality Cardinality
Audit History (Student School Enrolment) Child Business Object Mandatory Multiple
Audit Information (Student School Enrolment) Child Business Object Optional Single
Enrolment Type Codes Data Element Optional Multiple
Exception Codes Data Element Optional Multiple
Exit Date Type Data Element Mandatory Single
FNMI Declaration Data Element Optional Single
Francophone Board Data Element Optional Single
French Hours of Instruction Data Element Optional Single
Grade (Student School Enrolment) Data Element Optional Single
Grants Program Codes Data Element Optional Multiple
Hours of Instruction Data Element Optional Single
Local Student ID Data Element Optional Single
Programming Type (Student School Enrolment)] Data Element Mandatory Single
Programming Timeframe (Student School Enrolment) Data Element Mandatory Single
Reference ID (Student School Enrolment) Data Element Mandatory Single
Student School Enrolment Is Deleted Data Element Mandatory Single
Registration Entry Status (Student School Enrolment) Calculated Property Optional Single
Registration Exit Date Data Element Mandatory Single
Registration Start Date Data Element Mandatory Single
Registration Status Calculated Property Optional Single
Registration Type (Student School Enrolment) Calculated Property Optional Single
Resident Board Data Element Optional Single
School (Student School Enrolment) Referenced Business Object Optional Single
Operating Schedule Reference ID Referenced Business Object Optional Single
School Provided Program Percentage Data Element Optional Single
School Year (Student School Enrolment) Data Element Optional Single
Validation Status (Student School Enrolment) Child Business Object Mandatory Single

Data Access Rules

The following rules are applied to control access to view/add/edit Student School Enrolment records.

Access to a Record

In order to access a record, the:

In addition, when being accessed via PASIprep, the:

When accessible, the following rules are applied to specific data elements on the record:

Data Element Access Controls
Audit History (Student School Enrolment) Only available if the Organization owns the record.
FNMI Declaration Only available if the Organization owns the record.
French Hours of Instruction Only available if the Organization owns the record, or is associated to the student By Last School Enrolment or better2).
Validation Status (Student School Enrolment) Only available if the Organization owns the record.
All other data elements Available if the record is accessible.

Adding a new Record

In order to add a new record, the:

In addition, when being added via PASIprep, the:

Updating a Record

There are two types of updates that can be done to a Student School Enrolment record:

  • Updating the details of the Student School Enrolment record
  • Updating the status of a Core Alert associated to the Student School Enrolment record.

Updating a Student School Enrolment

In order to update an existing record, the:

In addition, when being updated via PASIprep, the:

Updating the Status of a Student School Enrolment Core Alert

In order to update the Acknowledgement Status of a Core Alert associated to the Student School Enrolment record, the:

In addition, when being updated via PASIprep, the:

Managing Student School Enrolment Information

In general, information about the Student School Enrolments should be updated regularly. However, there are a few times throughout the year when specific updates should be made to ensure that the information in PASI accurately reflects the current status of the enrolment.

New Student Pre-Registration

When a student registers with a school, the school enters the enrolment into the system for the first time. When this is done before the start of the school year, the enrolment is usually entered with a Registration Status of Registered, a Registration Start Date of the first day of school and a Registration Exit Date of the last day of school.

New Student Mid-Year Registration

When a student registers with a school, the school enters the enrolment into the system for the first time. When this is done during the school year, the enrolment is usually entered with a Registration Status of Registered, a Registration Start Date of the first day the student plans to attend the school and a Registration Exit Date of the last day of school.

Roll Over of an Existing Enrolment

Most students stay at the same school as they move between grades. These enrolments are usually setup by the schools SIS software during a 'roll-over' process. The resulting enrolments are usually entered with a Registration Status of Registered, a Registration Start Date of the first day of the next school year and a Registration Exit Date of the last day of the next school year.

First Day of School

On the Registration Start Date of the enrolment, most SIS systems automatically update the Registration Status of the enrolment to be Active. This is fine in most cases because the students start attending on that date.

Generally speaking, the start date of the enrolment should equal the first day a school starts tracking attendance for the student. There are situations in which the student does not actually attend the school on the start date of the enrolment. This may be for many reasons, such as the student deciding to attend another school, the student is sick on the first day of school, etc.

It is up to the school to decide if the start date should be updated, or if the student should be marked absent. Regardless of the date used, if the student does not show up at the school, the registration status should be updated to Cancelled.

Student Withdraws from a School

When a student withdraws from a school before the school year ends, the Registration Status is updated to Withdrawn and the Registration Exit Date is updated to be the last day the student attended classes at the school.

Last Day of School

At the end of the year, the Registration Status for all Student School Enrolments for the school with a status of Active should be updated to a status of Completed to signify that the student is no longer attending classes as part of the enrolment. The Registration Exit Date should be the last day the student attended classes at the school.

Students Returning to a School during a Single School Year

It is possible that, over the course of a single school year, a student withdraws and subsequently returns to the school. For example,

  • The student attended classes at School A from September 1 to November 30, and then transferred to a new school.
  • The student attended classes at School B from December 1 to February 28, and then transfers back to School A.
  • The student finishes the school year at School A (from March 1 to June 30).

In this scenario, it is important that PASI has 3 Student School Enrolment records for the student, as there are 3 different and distinct enrolment periods. Even if the student didn’t go to School B, but there was a gap in the enrolment periods at school A, the student should have 2 enrolment records for School A during the single school year. At the end of the school year, the Student School Enrolment records for School A should resemble:

  • September 1 to November 30, Registration Status = Withdrawn
  • March 1 to June 30, Registration Status = Completed

Overlapping Enrolments

When PASI identifies that there are overlapping enrolments for the same student, PASI will produce Core Alerts to highlight the scenario.

Rule 10069 results in a Warning, as in this situation, the data is considered incorrect and needs to be corrected.

Rules 10070 and 10085 result in Advice. This advice is used to information users that a student is currently enrolled at two schools, and that one of the enrolments may be in error. Typically this will be seen when a student leaves a school and enrolls in a new school, but the original school hasn’t yet submitted exit information for the student. In these situations, once the exit information from the original school is updated, the alert will automatically be removed.

In addition, this could occur during in a legitimate scenario where the student is enrolled in both schools at the same time (perhaps during the morning at one school and the afternoon at another). In these situations, the advice alert should be Acknowledged.

Acknowledging an alert lets other PASI users know that the situation was investigated, and the data (as provided) is accurate and does not require any adjustments.

Enrolments Associated to a Secondary ASN

There are times when two ASNs have been created for the same student and are linked. One of the ASNs is identified as the Primary ASN (the ASN that should be used to identify the student). The other(s) are identified as Secondary ASNs (an ASN that should no longer be used to identify the student). For more information refer to the ASN Management Overview.

This linking of ASNs can occur after enrolments have already been created for a Secondary ASN. If this occurs, Rule 10084 will result in a core alert being generated. This alert is considered a Warning, meaning the data is incorrect and needs to be updated.

To resolve these alerts, the enrolment needs to be moved to the student’s Primary ASN. This can be done by:

  • Resubmitting the enrolment using the Submit Student School Enrolment service, but including a different ASN for the enrolment record, or
  • Changing the Registration Status of the enrolment to Created In Error, and creating a new enrolment for the Primary ASN.

In either case, the core alert will be automatically removed.

Business Areas

student_school_enrolment.txt · Last modified: 2022-02-15 19:53 by reggie