Authority and School Select Controls

In PASIprep a common set of controls is generally used to allow user to select an Organization, which usually involves selecting an Authority and a School.

The fields can be marked as required or optional. If optional, then no value is considered “all”.

Field NameDescriptionField Format

Allows user to view and select an Authority. The possible values for this field is generally all available School Authorities in PASI.

When required, the following values may also be available (and should be sorted to the top of the list):

  1. Government of Alberta (O.1)

The field control used will depend on the user's organization type:

  • Ministry (O.1) users: This is a Select with Auto complete control that is used to list all the available options (sorted A-Z). User should be able to search by name or code. By default this field is empty.
  • All other users: the Authority of the user is displayed as a read-only value. This is a link as documented in the Crosslinking Guidelines.

Allows user to view and select School. The possible values for this field is generally all available Schools in PASI for the selected Authority.

If the user has not selected an Authority yet, the hint text “Please select an Authority first” is displayed in this case - user cannot select any value for this field until they have selected an Authority value.

The field control used will depend on the user's organization type:

  • School users: the School of the user is displayed as a read-only value. This is a link as documented in the Crosslinking Guidelines.
  • All other users: This is a Select with Auto complete control that is used to list all the available options (sorted A-Z). User should be able to search by name or code. By default this field is empty.

If the user selects a value in the Authority field that does not map to a specific School Authority (e.g. if they selected Government of Alberta (O.1)) then the readonly text “N/A” will be shown.

All values in the dropdown menus are formatted as per Data Format Guidelines.