Displaying Digital Student Documents

Displaying Digital Student Documents is one of the functional areas to consider when Integrating with PASI.


Architectural Considerations

The following questions should be considered if your integrated solution will include the Displaying Digital Student Documents. These should be considered whether the information displayed is obtained via synchronization or if the information is retrieved on demand.

What is the software application approach used to allow software application users to view Digital Student Documents and/or Digital Student Document Images?

Software application users will, as part of supporting a student, view a student’s Digital Student Documents and/or Digital Student Document images.

When a software application provides functionality to view Digital Student Documents and/or Digital Student Document images, it must be in context working with a specific student, selecting documents for quality assurance review, investigating problem reports, or other defined business needs. A software application must NOT allow application users to randomly browse and view Digital Student Documents and/or Digital Student Document images.

For full function document management software applications, users will likely view the document management solution document metadata and document images. There should limited requirements to view PASI Digital Student Documents or Digital Student Document Images.

For software applications, that synchronize (IsDataAvailable) PASI Digital Student Documents and Digital Student Document images to their local copy of PASI data, software applications users can view PASI Digital Student Documents or Digital Student Document images simply by accessing the applications local copy of PASI data.

For software applications, that synchronize (IsDataAvailable) PASI Digital Student Documents but not Digital Student Document images to their local copy of PASI data, software applications users can view a list of PASI Digital Student Documents simply by accessing the software application’s local copy of PASI data. To view the Digital Student Document image, a Get Student Record Document Image call must be issued to PASI (if communication with PASI is possible).

For software applications that do NOT synchronize (IsDataAvailable/Getxxx) PASI Digital Student Documents or Digital Student Document images to their local copy of PASI data, software applications users can view a list of PASI Digital Student Documents using a the following on-demand PASI services (if communication with PASI is possible):

Get Student Record Document List

If the software application organization is authorized to view a student’s PASI Digital Student Documents, this service will allow a software application to display a list of a student’s PASI Digital Student Documents (metadata, quality assurance, problem reports).

The Student Record Document List results are however filtered by the software application organization student association and PASI’s Digital Student Document access policy. If the software application organization is not authorized to view a student’s PASI Digital Student Documents, no results will be returned.

Get Digital Student Document Image

Using the Get Student Record Document List results, the corresponding Digital Student Document images can be retrieved from PASI and viewed by software application users.

What is the approach used to allow software application users access to a student’s Digital Student Documents when a student enrolls at a school?

For a software application that synchronizes Digital Student Documents, and is not a document management type software application, the software application must provide functionality, using its local copy of PASI data, to display a list of Digital Student Documents for a student. Using such list, software application users could select to view a specific Digital Student Document image.

  • If the Digital Student Document image is in the software application local copy of PASI data, it must be displayed using such.
  • If the Digital Student Document image is not in the software application local copy of PASI data, it must be displayed by retrieving it from PASI using the Get Student Record Document Image service (if communication with PASI is possible).

For a software application that synchronizes Digital Student Documents and is a document management type software application, the document management software application will already have functionality to display a list of documents for a student and allow users to select and view a specific Digital Student Document image. There should no need to access the document management software application local copy of PASI data or make any additional get Student Record Document Image calls to PASI display Digital Student Documents or Digital Student Document images.

What is the approach used remove capability for software application users to access a student’s Digital Student Documents?

When a student’s enrolment at a school completes, the software application organization will eventually lose association to the student but for some period of time may still be the student’s Digital Student Document custodian and thus still have access to and responsibility for all of the Student’s documents for up to seven years after the student’s last school enrolment. Eventually the software application organization will also no longer be the student’s Digital Student Document custodian. When such occurs the software application organization no longer has responsibility for the student’s Digital Student Documents nor the capability to view the student’s Digital Student Documents.

PASI IsDataAvailable will only support Digital Student Document synchronization up to two school years after student’s last school enrolment. It is expected most all Digital Student Document change activity will be completed well before to two school years after student’s last school enrolment.

Software applications synchronizing PASI Digital Student Documents will become aware PASI Digital Student Documents no longer included in synchronization via an IsDataAvailable Digital Student Document hash failure. The IsDataAvailable Digital Student Document hash failure response will include a complete list of all Digital Student Documents for which the software application organization still has access and ability to synchronize. Software application comparison of such list to that in the software application will identify Digital Student Documents for which the software can and cannot synchronize.

For a software application that synchronizes Digital Student Documents and is not a document management application, the software application must remove those students and Digital Student Documents the software application organization no longer has the ability to access from the software application local copy of PASI data. When a student’s Digital Student Documents are no longer in the software application local copy of PASI data, it will have no capability using the software application local copy of PASI data to provide a list Digital Student Documents for a student and thus no capability for software application users to view such documents.

For a software application that synchronizes Digital Student Documents and is a document management type software application, the software application must remove those Digital Student Documents the software application organization no longer has the ability to access from the software application local copy of PASI data. The Digital Student Documents may also be removed from the removed from the area of the software application where users add, update, and view documents or such could be removed per the software application’s Digital Student Document disposal policy.

When a student’s Digital Student Documents are not in the area of the software application where users add, update, and view documents, it will have no capability to provide a list of Digital Student Documents for a student and thus no capability for software application users to view such documents.

If the software application organization has a requirement to retain a copy of a Digital Student Document after it is no longer responsible for such, the Digital Student Document can remain area of the software application where users add, update, and view documents however such must be excluded from PASI Digital Student Document synchronization. These Digital Student Documents must however be removed from the software application per the software application organization’s Digital Student Document disposal policy.