Get Diploma Exam

This page describes the current implementation of the service. For a description of the historical implementations visit the Get Diploma Exam (2019) or the Get Diploma Exam (2018) service page.

The Get Diploma Exam service is used to retrieve Diploma Exam information from PASI. This service can be used to:

  1. Retrieve information about a Diploma Exam from the PASI Core, and
  2. Obtain updates about a Diploma Exam from the PASI Core as part of the data synchronization processes.

This service can be used to get a single record or a list of records.

Normally, this service is to be used during the data synchronization process as described by the Data Synchronization Services document.

The Is Data Available service operation is used to determine if there are any Exam object changes that the PASI client is interested in. The PASI client could then call this service to return those changes.


This service can be accessed by systems with the Hello World User role.

Request Information

A request to use this service will include list of Reference IDs for the all Exam records being requested with each item in the list containing (* denotes mandatory information):

Validation Rules

There are no validations performed on the service request.


Information for each of the Exam records identified in the request will be retrieved from the PASI Core and returned in the response. If a list of records has been requested, they will be processed in the order provided.

The Exam Reference IDs provided in the request are validated and the result is returned in the Availability Status:

  • Unknown if the Exam Reference ID provided is not found or identified as a Diploma Exam in PASI Core.
  • No Access if the PASI Client does not have access to the record being requested; or
  • Normal if the record(s) has been returned.

When an Expected Version is provided in the request for an Exam record:

  • If the Expected Version requested is ‘0’, the current PASI Version of the record will be returned.
  • If the Expected Version requested is the same as the PASI Version of the record, the record will be returned.
  • If the Expected Version requested is not the same as the PASI Version of the record, the record will not be returned and no further requested records will be processed.

Response Information

    No links found.