Get Student Credential Requirement Audit Events

The Get Student Credential Requirement Audit Events service can be used by a PASI Client to retrieve the audit history of the achievements and exemptions on a single Student Credential Requirement. The achievement status for a Student Credential Requirement can be set by a user or calculated by the system. For the purposes of the Credential Requirement Audit History, only the data that has been manually updated is reflected in the audit events. Only the organizations that are associated to the student and the PASI client as View Transcript User Role will be able to retrieve the Student Credential Requirement Audit Events


Student Credential Requirement Audit Event will only be returned when the PASI Client:

Request Information

The service requires the following information (* denotes mandatory information):

Request Validations

The following rules are used to validate the information provided in the request:

Service Functionality

Once the request information has been validated, the PASI Core determines the Audit Events on Student Credential Requirement Achievements and Exemptions. The current and historical versions of the achievement and exemption audit events will be retrieved and returned in the response.

  • The current version the achievement and exemption audit events will be retrieved from the Student Credential Requirement and Student Credential Achievement data structure
  • The historical versions of the audit events will be retrieved from the shadow tables for the Student Credential Requirement and Student Credential Achievement data structure

If the Achievement Audit Event information has the IsDeleted flag set to true then that particular history will also be included in the response.

Response Information

The following Student Credential Requirement Audit Event information is returned after a successful request has been processed:

*Note: Response does not expose ‘Exemption Details’

The lists of audit events should be returned in an order from the most recent version to the oldest version.

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