Student Credential Requirement

Part of a Student Credential Requirement Set and at a higher level, a Student Credential, this record identifies a student's progress towards achieving a specific Credential Requirement.


Data Access Rules

Access to a Record

A user may access the student credential requirement information as long as they can access the credential information as per data_access_rules.

When accessible, the following rules are applied to specific data elements on the record:

Data Element Access Controls
Audit History (Student Credential Requirement Achievement) Only available if the Organization is associated to the student By Ministry, By Student Creation, By Current School Enrolment or By Last School Enrolment.

Adding a new Record

PASI Clients and PASIprep users cannot create a Student Credential Requirement record as these records are created and managed by the PASI system.

Updating a Record

There are three types of updates that can be applied to a Student Credential Requirement record.

Updating Student Credential Requirement Achievement

For those Credential Requirement that are manually assessed, the Student Credential Requirement Achievement of the record can be updated. In order to update the Achievement Status:

Requesting a Student Credential Requirement Exemption

To request a Student Credential Requirement Exemption for a Credential Requirement, a number of criteria must be met by the student and user:

Approving a Student Credential Requirement Exemption

To approve a Student Credential Requirement Exemption for a student and Credential Requirement, a number of criteria must be met by the student and user:

Refer to Rule 43017 - Organization Not Associated to Student

Note: When the Credential Requirement is the Student Requested requirement (HSED) there is no validation against the Organization.
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The CredentialRequirementExemption table in the PASI database stores the list of which exemption reasons can be applied to which credential requirements.