Issue Refund of Fees

“Manual” Refunds refers to the business process instigated by Alberta Education to refund a student’s (for any reason) fee previously collected for a service, such as:

  1. Ordering of a Transcript

Note: “System” or “System related” refunds are those that are instigated by a system related issue where payment for a single fee was taken more than once and is not in scope for this process; those are handled by Finance's internal processes.


Primary Scenario #1 – Issue Manual Refund for Transcript on Student's Request

This scenario begins when a student request for a refund of the fees they have paid for a transcript.

Since services offered by Student Records/Assessment generally involves a non-refundable processing fee, this request needs to be approved before it can be processed.

Note that for Transcript, the preferred resolutions for handling student complaints of the fee is to inform them that the fee is non-refundable, or to re-order another transcript for the student with a waived fee (e.g. if the ministry made a mistake in the initial order that the student has paid for); only when such resolutions are not suitable for the situation that the refund process would be followed.

  1. Student requests for a refund for a previously paid Transcript Fee.
  2. Alberta Education approves refund request.
    1. Depending on the reason/nature of the request, the person who can approve the request varies (e.g. the Expenditure Officer in Student Records, Minister's Office, etc). This approval process is outside the scope of PASI.
  3. Student Records locate the transcript order payment details using one or more of the following function in PASI:
  4. Student Records provides the payment details and refund request to Finance
    1. Details provided include the Payment Reference ID (used to identify the EPS2 invoice if it is the method of payment). Finance can retrieve all further information from EPS2 using the Payment Reference ID. Student's mailing address and Amount paid is also provided by Student Records in case Finance has to issue a cheque refund.
  5. Finance leverages EPS2 (Electronic Payment System) to find and request refund from TD Merchant/Bambora
  6. Finance issues a refund to the Credit Card linked to transaction.

This scenario ends with the payer receiving a refund on their credit card.

Primary Scenario #2 – Issue Manual Refund for Diploma Exam Registration on Student's Request

This scenario begins when a student request for a refund of the fees they have paid for a diploma exam registration

Since services offered by Student Records/Assessment generally involves a non-refundable processing fee, this request needs to be approved before it can be processed.

Note that for Diploma Exam Registration, the preferred resolutions for handling student complaints of the fee is to inform them that the fee is non-refundable, or for ministry to re-enter a registration with a waived fee (e.g. if the ministry made a mistake in the initial registration that the student has paid for); only when such resolutions are not suitable for the situation that the refund process would be followed.

  1. Student requests for a refund for a previously paid Diploma Exam Registration fee.
  2. Alberta Education approves refund request.
    1. Depending on the reason/nature of the request, the person who can approve the request varies (e.g. the Expenditure Officer in Student Records, Minister's Office, etc). This approval process is outside the scope of PASI.
  3. Student Records locate the registration payment details using one or more of the following function in PASI:
  4. Student Records provides the payment details and refund request to Finance
    1. Details provided include the Payment Reference ID (used to identify the EPS2 invoice if it is the method of payment). Finance can retrieve all further information from EPS2 using the Payment Reference ID. Student's mailing address and Amount paid is also provided by Student Records in case Finance has to issue a cheque refund.

This scenario continues with Step 5 of the Primary Scenario #1 and ends with the payer receiving a refund on their credit card.

Primary Scenario #3 – Issue Manual Refund for Diploma Exam Rescore Request based on Student Request

This scenario begins when the student requests a refund of the fees they have paid for a diploma exam rescore request.

Since services offered by Student Records/Assessment generally involves a non-refundable processing fee, this request needs to be approved before it can be processed.

Note that for Diploma Exam Rescore Request, the preferred resolutions for handling student complaints of the fee is to inform them that the fee is non-refundable, or for ministry to re-enter a Rescore Request with a waived fee (e.g. if the ministry made a mistake in the initial registration that the student has paid for); only when such resolutions are not suitable for the situation that the refund process would be followed.

  1. Student requests for a refund for a previously paid Diploma Exam Rescore Request fee.
  2. Alberta Education approves refund request.
    1. Depending on the reason/nature of the request, the person who can approve the request varies (e.g. Minister's Office, etc). This approval process is outside the scope of PASI.
  3. Assessment locate the registration payment details using the following function in PASI:
  4. Assessment provides the payment details and refund request to Finance
    1. Details provided include the Payment Reference ID (used to identify the EPS2 invoice if it is the method of payment). Finance can retrieve all further information from EPS2 using the Payment Reference ID. Student's mailing address and Amount paid is also provided by Assessment in case Finance has to issue a cheque refund.

This scenario continues with Step 5 of the Primary Scenario #1 and ends with the payer receiving a refund on their credit card.

Alternate Scenario #1 - Student Records/Assessment Issues Manual Refund

This scenario starts when Assessment or Student Records determines that they have to issue a refund to the student for the fees paid for a service they provided to the student. Possible reasons for Student Records/Assessment to request for a refund could include:

  • Data entry error - Student was charged a fee because of data entry error (e.g. a Ministry user enters an incorrect course code when registering student for a Diploma Exam and student was charged a rewrite fee for the wrong course code)
  • Rescore result changes - when Student receives a 5% increase in a Diploma Exam Mark after it has been rescored, Assessment will refund the Rescore Requestfee.

This scenario continues with Step #3 of:

  • Primary Scenario #1, if it is Transcript Fee that is to be refunded
  • Primary Scenario #2, if it is Diploma Exam Registration Fee that is to be refunded
  • Primary Scenario #3, if it is Diploma Exam Rescore Fee that is to be refunded

Alternate Scenario #2 - Credit Card refund unavailable

Where Finance is not able to refund the payer via credit card through EPS2 (e.g. the credit card has now been cancelled, or it was a prepaid card), OR the payment was not collected via EPS2, a cheque will be issued instead.

This Alternate Scenario begins after Step 4 of Primary Scenario #1 OR Step 4 of Primary Scenario #2 OR Step 4 of Primary Scenario #3.

  1. Finance writes cheque and sends it directly to the student via Mail.

This scenario ends with the student receiving the refund by mail.