Indicates if the myPass Connection has been logically deleted.
Data Format | Boolean |
This data element is used in the following business objects:
This data element is used in the following validation rules:
This data element is used in the following functionality:
When this data element is presented, it should be formatted as Boolean.
When this data element is displayed it should adhere to the following guidelines:
Field Name | Deleted? |
Null Values | N/A |
Hint Text | None |
Security Requirements | None |
This data element is not editable.
When this data element is displayed in a PASIprep Data Grid it should adhere to the following guidelines:
Column Heading | Deleted? |
Column Width | Auto |
Filtering Style | Set |
Contains | The formatted value of the data element. |
Null Values | N/A |
Column Security Requirements | This column is always available. . |
Data Security Requirements | The data in this column is always available. |
There are no user interface guidelines as this data element is not shown on screen.