Normalized Mark Value

In order to rank different types of mark values, all mark values are normalized into a scale from 0 to 10,000. A Normalized Mark Value of 4,950 or higher is considered to be a passing mark.

Data Format Integer

This data element is calculated by the PASI system as outlined below.

Percentage Marks

Official Marks with a Official Mark Format of Percent (Mark Format) are normalized based on the Official Mark School Year they were issued, Course Level, and Official Mark Value.

School Year Course Level Mark Value Calculation
Before the 1984/1985 School Year All greater than or equal to 0 and less than 40 (Mark Value) * 100
greater than or equal to 40 and is less than 50 (4920 + (Mark Value)
greater than or equal to 50 (Mark Value) * 100
1984/1985 and 1985/1986 School Years 10/20 Level greater than or equal to 0 and less than 40 (Mark Value) * 100
greater than or equal to 40 and is less than 50 (4920 + (Mark Value)
greater than or equal to 50 (Mark Value) * 100
30 Level All (Mark Value) * 100
After the 1985/1986 School Year All All (Mark Value) * 100
Course Level

Course Level can be determined based on the course:

Letter Grades

Letter Grades each have an assigned Normalized Mark Value:

Letter Grade Normalized Mark Value
A 7950
B 6450
C 4970
D 4959
P 4950
F 0

Business Object References

This data element is used in the following business objects:

Validation Rules

Functional References

This data element is used in the following functionality:

    No links found.

User Interface Guidelines

This data element does not appear in the PASI user interfaces.